
ATHENE scientists discuss the possibilities and limits of cooperative security in cyberspace

As part of the lecture series of the Evangelical Academy Loccum under the title “Cyberwarfare - Cyberpeacebuliding. On a search for a Cooperative Security Architecture in Cyberspace ”, ATHENE scientist Prof. Christian Reuter, head of the research group PEASEC - Science and Technology for Peace and Security at the TU Darmstadt, discusses  the possibilities and limits of cooperative security in cyberspace.

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Apple AirDrop shares more than files

ATHENE researchers from TU Darmstadt have discovered that Apple users can not only share files with each other using AirDrop. Rather, uninvited persons can also access data. The resarchers developed a solution that could replace the insecure AirDrop. Apple was informed about the privacy gap, but has not yet closed it.

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Booster: New funding program for cybersecurity founders

A new accelerator program called Booster is now promoting cybersecurity startups and supporting startups in the field. The Accelerator Booster was launched by the start-up incubator StartUpSecure of the National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity. Start-up projects from StartUpSecure I ATHENE as well as from the partner incubators for cybersecurity CISPA in Saarbrücken, Cube5 in Bochum and StartUpSecure KASTEL in Karlsruhe can participate in boosters.The first six start-up projects have already qualified for booster and will go through a two-month targeted training program and accompanying mentoring by experts from business and research from the beginning of May.  

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Successful submissions at USENIX 2021 - fall submission

In the "fall submission" of the 30th USENIX Security Symposium, three contributions by ATHENE scientists from TU Darmstadt were accepted. USENIX is one of the four most important conferences in the field of security. Scientists, practitioners, system administrators and programmers from all over the world come together to share the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks.

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Fraunhofer Cyber Range: New training center for cybersecurity

The Fraunhofer Cyber Range is embedded in ATHENE and combines complex attack simulations with the latest findings from applied research, expert training and the presentation of innovative security tools: With realistic attack simulations, companies can improve the performance of their security teams.In addition, the participants gain insights into exciting security topics and the current status of research and development.

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Two ATHENE scientists in new DFG research programs

ATHENE researchers Prof. Dr. Miza Mezini and Prof. Dr. Matthias Hollick are members of the program committees of two new priority programs of the German Research Foundation (DFG).

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ATHENE scientist is invited as an expert to the public hearing of the Defense Committee

Thomas Reinhold, research associate in the PEASEC research group led by ATHENE researcher Prof. Christian Reuter, was invited as an expert to a public hearing of the Defence Committee in the German Bundestag. The hearing dealt with "Constitutional and international law issues in the military cyber and information space with special consideration of the parliamentary prerogative, the imputability of cyber attacks and a possible adaptation of national and international norms".

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Paper accepted at top cybersecurity conference INFOCOM 2021

A paper written by the ATHENE researchers Dr. Haya Shulman (Fraunhofer SIT) and Kris Shrishak (TU Darmstadt) was accepted at this year's IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2021). INFOCOM is a top-ranked conference on networking in the research community. It is a major conference venue for researchers to present and exchange significant and innovative contributions and ideas in the field of networking and closely related areas. The conference covers both theoretical and systems research.

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ATHENE researchers reveal vulnerabilities in the Apple operating system macOs

A research team led by ATHENE scientist Prof. Matthias Hollick from the TU Darmstadt has uncovered security gaps in the tracking app "Find my iPhone?" Offered by the Apple group.

In their paper “Who Can Find My Devices?” They publish the two vulnerabilities they identified in the macOS operating system. They presented the paper at the international flagship conference for data protection technologies "PETS - Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium".

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Successful submissions at USENIX 2021 - summer submission

Two contributions by ATHENE researchers from TU Darmstadt were accepted at the "summer submission" of the 30th USENIX Security Symposium, one of the four most important conferences in the field of security. Scientists, practitioners, system administrators and programmers from all over the world come together to share the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks.

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