
ATHENE-researcher is Co-Chair of the top conference ESORICS 2021

Dr. Haya Shulman from Fraunhofer SIT and head of the research area Analytics Based Cybersecurity (ABC) in ATHENE is co-chair of this year's European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS2021), together with Prof. Dr Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, USA.

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When the electric car pays for itself at the charging station

The newly founded startup PolyCrypt is rethinking blockchain technology and also enables transactions in the Internet of Things (IoT) without waiting times and at significantly reduced prices. For a successful transfer into the economy, the founding team with their Perun project is supported by the StartUpSecure funding program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and is now moving from funding phase I to funding phase II.

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Lecture by ATHENE automotive security experts at Embedded World 2021

Together with Don Kuzhiyelil, Project Engineer R & T at SYSGO, Prof. Christoph Krauß from Fraunhofer SIT will give an overview of a safety architecture to protect the safety-critical railway infrastructure in a lecture at the Embedded World.

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ATHENE double victory at the 8th German IT Security Award

At the 8th German IT Security Award, ATHENE scientiests achieved the top two placements. The first place, that was endowed with 100.000 EURO, went to Dr. Haya Shulman from the Fraunhofer SIT for the cache test she developed, a solution to improve internet security. The second place, that was endowed with EUR 60.000 EURO, went to ContactGuard, and thus to the team of ATHENE scientists Prof. Thomas Schneider and Christian Weinert from the Technical University of Darmstadt, Matthias Senker from APIIDA AG, as well as Prof. Christian Rechberger and Daniel Kales and from the Technical University of Graz.



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Female power in cybersecurity research

On today's International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the ATHENE scientists also show their faces.

From #Data protection to #AI, # Post-Quantum, #Internet security, #mobileSecurity .... our scientists cover a wide range of cybersecurity research.

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Alumnus wins CAST/ GI IT security PhD award

Dr.-Ing. Daniel Demmler, former doctoral and post-doc of the ENCRYPTO working group at the TU Darmstadt, led by ATHENE scientist Pro. Thomas Schneider, was awarded for his PhD Thesis „Towards Practical Privacy-Preserving Protocols“ with the CAST/ GI PhD award IT security 2020/21.

The award is considered the most important national award for doctorates in the field of IT sceurity. At a virtual event that was part of the 17th German IT Security Congress, Daniel Demmler prevailed against 3 other finalists in the public vote.

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Put an end to cyber crime

The startup Trufflepig Forensics is developing innovative technology for companies and law enforcement agencies to react quickly to cyber attacks on the Internet and to collect important evidence on the conviction of cyber criminals. The StartUpSecure funding program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports the analysis platform to support IT forensics with a total volume of around 0.77 million euros.

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Study by ATHENE Scientist published in A* rated journal

How do different types of so-called nudges, small "nudges" that try to move us to a decision in a more or less subtle way, influence our cybersecurity decisions?

This was investigated by the ATHENE Scientist Verena Zimmermann from TU Darmstadt and Prof. Karen Renaud from the University of Strathclyde in Scotland.

Their observations and results are summarized in the article “The Nudge Puzzle: Matching Nudge Interventions to Cybersecurity Decisions”, which was recently published in the A * -rated journal ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction.

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Impulse papers from the Scientific Working Group on National Cyber Security



ATHENE-Director Prof. Dr. Michael Weidner is a member of the Scientific Working Group on National Cyber Security, which has been supporting the National Cyber Security Council in its work since October of 2018. In regular intervals, the Scientific Working Group prepares impulse papers that illuminate selected topics on cybersecurity from a research perspective.

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ATHENE Director joins acatech - German Academy of Science and Engineering

Prof. Michael Waidner is a new full membre of acatech -German academy of Science and Engineering. With him, 35 more scientists were added to the circle of members. With this election, acatech recognizes their relevant scientific work and invites the experts to contribute their skills to advise  politics and society.

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