
Study by ATHENE Scientist published in A* rated journal

How do different types of so-called nudges, small "nudges" that try to move us to a decision in a more or less subtle way, influence our cybersecurity decisions?

This was investigated by the ATHENE Scientist Verena Zimmermann from TU Darmstadt and Prof. Karen Renaud from the University of Strathclyde in Scotland.

Their observations and results are summarized in the article “The Nudge Puzzle: Matching Nudge Interventions to Cybersecurity Decisions”, which was recently published in the A * -rated journal ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction.

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Impulse papers from the Scientific Working Group on National Cyber Security



ATHENE-Director Prof. Dr. Michael Weidner is a member of the Scientific Working Group on National Cyber Security, which has been supporting the National Cyber Security Council in its work since October of 2018. In regular intervals, the Scientific Working Group prepares impulse papers that illuminate selected topics on cybersecurity from a research perspective.

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ATHENE Director joins acatech - German Academy of Science and Engineering

Prof. Michael Waidner is a new full membre of acatech -German academy of Science and Engineering. With him, 35 more scientists were added to the circle of members. With this election, acatech recognizes their relevant scientific work and invites the experts to contribute their skills to advise  politics and society.

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Guest article by ATHENE director in the trend monitor of I.VW, University of St. Gallen

In the new trend report from I.VW, Institute of Insurance Economics, University of St. Gallen, ATHENE Director Prof. Michael Waidner describes threat trends in cybersecurity and outlines strategies for increasing the overall level of security.

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ATHENE researcher in the Program Committee of ARES 2021

Prof. Christian Reuter from TU Darmstadt is one of the Program Committee Members of the 16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES for short) 2021. The international conference highlights the various aspects of security - with a special focus on the crucial link between availability, reliability and security.

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ATHENE Scientists Included in Program Committee of ACM CCS 2021

Prof.Thomas Schneider from TU Darmstadt has been accepted into the Program Committee of this year's ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS for short) for the Applied Cryptography track. The ACM CCS is the world's largest academic conference on communications security and cybersecurity (CCS).

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ATHENE wishes a Merry Christmas

We thank you for a successful 2020 and look forward to further exciting projects and new challenges!

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ATHENE-Scientist are strengthening the Data sovereignity in the financial sector

With Prof. Mira Mezini, Prof. Carsten Binnnig and Prof. Kristian Kersting, three ATHENE-Scientists from the Technical University of Darmstadt are part of the new project SafeFBDC, which is funded as part of the AI-innovation competition of the Federal Ministry for Economics and Energy (BMWi).

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ATHENE: Security

Eine wesen­tliche Aufgabe von ATHENE besteht darin, zu mehr Cybersicherheit und Privatsphärenschutz für die digitale Transformation von Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und öffentlicher Verwaltung beizutragen. Im Fokus unserer anwendungsorientierten Forschung arbeiten wir an neuen Er­kennt­nissen und Ergebnissen etwa durch die Entwicklung neuer Tech­no­logien, Methoden oder Konzepten. Dabei decken wir eine große Bandbreite von Fragestellungen ab.

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Merry Christmas!

2020 was a very exciting year and will probably go down in history. The Corona pandemic turned a lot of things upside down and presented us with many challenges, but at the same time also showed us many new paths and opportunities. And we are happy and satisfied to be able to draw a positive balance despite all the circumstances and are already looking forward to 2021 with great anticipation.

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