
When your Apple device allows file stealing, reveals your first name and blacks out

Jessica wants to check-in electronically to her flight to New York. But the screen of her iPhone stays black while the phone enters an endless reboot cycle. And she is not alone: all Apple users in proximity suffer the same fate. Worse, she does not even suspect that during her previous stay in the airport lounge an attacker was able to steal holiday photos and a company presentation she was transferring from her phone to her MacBook, track her position and associate her first name with a unique device ID.
These vulnerabilities were discovered by researchers of TU Darmstadt, Germany and Northeastern University, Boston, USA

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USENIX Security Symposium 2019

CRISP researchers of  TU Darmstadt publish several papers at 28. USENIX Security Symposium. USENIX conference belongs to the top four important conferences in the field of security. Scientists, practitioners, system administrators and programmers from all over the world come together in order to interchange about the newest advantages in the fields of security and privacy of computer systems and networks.

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ICB 2019

CRISP researchers at Fraunhofer IGD and Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences publish in total 6 papers at 12th IAPR International Conference On Biometrics, ICB 2019. The conference has established itself as a leading international conference in biometrics. The conference will have a broad scope and invites papers that advance biometric technologies, sensor design, feature extraction and matching algorithms, analysis of security and privacy, and evaluation of social impact of biometrics technology. Topics of interest include all areas of current Biometrics research and applications.

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Eurocrypt 2019

A paper created by a collaboration between CRISP researchers from TU Darmstadt and Bar-Ilan University, Israel, will be presented at Eurocrypt 2019, one of the three most important conferences of the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR).

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CRISP researchers Prof. Thomas Schneider and Oleksandr Tkachenko publish a paper at ACM ASIACCS 2019. Building on the success of ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), the ACM Special Interest Group on Security, Audit, and Control (SIGSAC) formally established the annual ACM Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS).

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Hessian government spokesman Michael Bußer visits CRISP

On the occasion of the Hesse State Government's "Lebe Dein Europa" action week, government spokesman and State Secretary Michael Bußer visited the National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity CRISP. There, he learned about the European and international dimension of cybersecurity at CRISP. An exhibit on the safety of charging stations for electromobility also demonstrated the solutions for safe and data protection-compatible charging and charging of electric vehicle, developed by scientists at Fraunhofer SIT.

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19. Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium

Together with researchers of the Aalto University, the University of Helsinki and dthe University of California in Berkeley, CRISP researchers TU Darmstadt will publish a paper at the 19th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium, short PETS / PoPETs. The annual Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS) brings together privacy experts from around the world to present and discuss recent advances and new perspectives on research in privacy technologies. PETS/PoPETs is the premier venue for novel applied and/or theoretical research into the design, analysis, experimentation, or fielding of privacy-enhancing technologies.

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Two out of three: graduates from the TU Darmstadt among finalists of the CAST / GI promotion prize

With their dissertations, the two TU graduates Felix Günther and Matthias Schulz are among the three finalists of the CAST e. V. and the Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V.

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4. IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy

CRISP researchers from the TU Darmstadt were able to place two papers at the 4th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy 2019, EuroS&  for short. Since 1980, the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy has been the premier forum for presenting developments in computer security and electronic privacy, and for bringing together researchers and practitioners in the field. The 2019 Symposium will mark the 40th annual meeting of this flagship conference.

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TPMPC 2019

CRISP-researcher Prof. Thomas Schneider from the TU Darmstadt will give an invited talk on “Private Function Evaluation – From Functions to Data to Code” at the Theory and Practice of Multi-Party Computation Workshop (TPMPC) 2019.

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