
Prof. Iryna Gurevych becomes a member of the Leopoldina

Prof. Iryna Gurevych from TU Darmstadt has been appointed to the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. This gives her one of the highest scientific honors that a German institution can bestow, as the world's oldest permanently existing academy of natural sciences unites only researchers with outstanding scientific achievements under its roof. With around 1.600 members, it provides independent, science-based political advice on future social issues and represents German science abroad. New members undergo a strict, multi-stage selection process.

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Vom Sprung ins kalte Wasser – Ein Interview mit unserem Mentor Guenter Kraft

In regelmäßigen Abständen stellen wir einige unserer Mentoren und Mentorinnen vor, die unseren Startups mit Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen.

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ATHENE position paper calls for data protection precautions

Cybersecurity researchers are often unable to comply with data protection regulations because they do not know before the start of a research activity whether and what personal data they will be processing. Our data protection experts have therefore formulated a proposed addition to the GDPR. Their concern: The legally binding introduction of data protection precautions that take unplanned data access into account.

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ATHENE researchers discover fundamental design flaws in DNSSEC

Led by Prof. Haya Schulmann of Goethe University Frankfurt, a team of ATHENE researchers has uncovered a critical flaw in the design of DNSSEC (DNS Security Extensions), which is a vulnerability in all Domain Name System (DNS) implementations. DNS is one of the fundamental building blocks of the Internet. Without a fix, the design flaw could have devastating consequences for virtually all DNS implementations using DNSSEC and public DNS providers such as Google and Cloudflare.

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Accepted papers on the CHI 2024

Three papers written by ATHENE researchers were accepted at the A*-ranked ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI for short. The annual conference is the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction.

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ATHENE CEO appointed as Editor-in-Chief of ACM TOPS

The ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS), one of the most established and renowned scientific journals in the field of cybersecurity and privacy technology, has appointed ATHENE Director Prof. Michael Waidner as Editor-in-Chief. His term runs from February 1, 2024 to January 31, 2027.

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ATHENE researchers find insecure keys in healthcare email system

Medical practices send important documents such as electronic certificates of incapacity for work or treatment and cost plans to health insurance companies via the telematics infrastructure mail system. The e-health team at Fraunhofer SIT has now discovered that the encryption for the mail system was set up incorrectly at several health insurance companies - a total of eight health insurance companies used the same keys and were therefore theoretically able to decrypt the mails of other health insurance companies. The researchers are presenting their findings at this year's Chaos Communication Congress (37c3) organized by the Chaos Computer Club (CCC).

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ATHENE researchers carry out security check of hospital IT

The Bundesamt für Sichere Informations­technologie (BSI) has commissioned ATHENE researchers from Fraunhofer SIT to conduct a study on the security of hospital information systems and data exchange formats. In order to be able to examine the hospital information systems (KIS) already used in everyday clinical practice more closely, HIS manufacturers and clinics are being sought who would like to have their KIS evaluated by means of penetration tests at no cost. After the test, the results will be made available together with a test certificate. More information about the project can be found here:

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Applications open for the 10th German IT Security Award

Update: The submission deadline has been extended to January 26, 2024!
For the 10th time, the Horst Görtz Foundation is looking for the best security projects and developments that are particularly suitable for implementation in practice and contribute to improving IT security in Germany. The winning team can look forward to a prize of EUR 100,000.

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Study published on the lack of legal certainty for big data and AI

How can big data and AI applications be used profitably without violating data protection and IT security? Our data protection experts addressed this question in the recently published legal study "Systematic Privacy in real-life Data Processing Systems". They examined current regulations from the legal areas of data protection, IT security law and copyright law in relation to big data and also looked at the draft EU regulation on artificial intelligence (KI-VO-E).

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