
Public Expert Discussion in the German Bundestag:"»Cybersecurity« Perspektives for a secured digital space"“

The task force PEASEC of the TU Darmstadt lead by Prof. Christian Reuter provided one of four experts for digital security. Thomas Reinhold presented on the public expert discussion on "»Cybersecurity« Perspektives for a secured digital space" for the work groups IV, V und VI of the parliamentary group DIE LINKE. 

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CRISP-Researchers point out security gap in the Domain Name System

As part of the CRISP flagship project "Secure Internet Infrastructures", scientists at Fraunhofer SIT have found a way to issue fraudulent website certificates that are used to ensure trustworthiness of Internet domains. The team lead by CRISP-researcher Dr. Haya Shulman, Fraunhofer SIT, has shown that the weakness in the domain validation can be exploited in real life and that the security of Internet infrastructures needs to be improved. To do so the researchers have informed Web CAs (Certificate Authorities) and suggest a new implementation that Web CAs may use to mitigate the attack. 

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VDE Tec Summit 2018

With this years VDE Tec Summit 2018 celebrations are in order for the 125th anniversery of the VDE association Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik e.V. Approximately 1500 participants from industry, science and politics are expected to discuss and report on the digital transformation in application areas like energy, industry, mobility, health, living and cyber-security. Prof. Christoph Krauß, Fraunhofer SIT, and CRISP managing director will highlight challenges for cyber-security in different business segments in their presentations.

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Start of the HyServ project: Hybrid Services in digitalised Cooperations

Since August 1st 2018 CRISP researchers develop innovative service concepts and interfaces in the context of the project consortium „Hybride Dienst­leis­tun­gen in digi­tali­sierten Kooperationen“ (HyServ - Hybrid Services in digitalised Cooperations). Prof. Christian Reuter and Sebastian Linsner, both CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt, research and develop these concepts for providers and users likewise. Their findings are illustrated and tested by using cooperative operating processes in argriculture.
Only a few days ago the kick-off event of the project has taken place in Kaiserlautern.

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Department "Mensch-Computer- Interaktion der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V."

In the expert group „Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion in sicherheitskritischen Systemen“ of the department "Mensch-Computer-Interaktion" of Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (Society of informatics) a new executive committee had to be elected. The current spokesman Prof. Christian Reuter, CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt, was reelected as well as his vice Prof. Tilo Mentler, Universität zu Lübeck. Prof. Stefan Geisler, Hochschule Ruhr West was replaced by Prof. Simon Nestler, Hochschule Hamm-Lippstadt. The terms of office of this new executive committee will last from 2018 to 2021.

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digital Hessen: IT-Security for small and medium-sized Enterprises

As part of a special event measures on how to increase IT-security of small and medium-sized enterprises are discussed at the Haus der Wirtschaft Südhessen. Including the key features for their IT-security strategies and possible recommended actions. Dr. Ruben Niederhagen, Fraunhofer SIT, will present on the topic of "Next Generation Crypto".

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MobiCom 2018

Prof. Matthias Hollick, CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt, and his collegues of his working party SEEMOO puplish two papers at the 24th ACM Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking ( MobiCom 2018). They will also present a demonstration for another paper. The international conference showcases the challenges of mobile computing and networking. It is known as a leading event in this field.


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New cybersecurity building at TU Darmstadt is growing

In the presence of the Hessian Minister of Science Boris Rhein TU Darmstadt celebrated topping-out today. The new building costs approximately 18.4 million euros. It is financed by the federal government, the state and the TU Darmstadt. In the future, researchers of the cyber security profile area (CYSEC) of TU Darmstadt will work here.

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More security for Alexa, Siri & Co.

In the Cybersecurity profile area of TU Darmstadt, researchers are working on various challenges in the area of Cybersecurity and Privacy. The topic of secure voice-controlled services is an example of cutting-edge research, as will be held in future in the new building on Kantplatz, for which the topping-out ceremony is celebrated today.

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State of Hessen assists Darmstadt City of Digitalisation in developing into a digital showcase city

Today, state secretary for economy Mathias Samson handed over the 5 Million Euro funding agreement to Jochen Partsch, head mayor of Darmstadt, and the project-leading managing directors of Digitalstadt Darmstadt GmbH. The representative for CRISP Prof. Michael Waidner also participated in this ceremonial award in his capacity as CDO and president of the Ethic and Technology Council od Darmstadt City of Digitalisation.

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