
European Cybersecurity Month

For the 6th time the month of October is marked by cyber security. Numerous activities are designed to increase awareness of cybersecurity among citizens, business and government.

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Conference on Security and Peace Research celebrates its Premiere in Darmstadt

The Conference on the Perspectives of Scientific and Technical Peace and Security Research will take place in Darmstadt for the first time in 2019. Prof. Dr. Christian Reuter, CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt, organizes the conference together with IANUS (Interdisciplinary Working Group for Science, Technology and Security), FONAS (Research Association for Science, Disarmament and International Security) and the DFG Collaborative Research Center CROSSING.

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Fraunhofer ICT Dissertation Award 2018 goes to CRISP-Researcher

This years first price of the Fraunhofer ICT Dissertation Award goes to Dr. Steven Arzt, Fraunhofer SIT, for his dissertation "Static Data Flow Analysis for Android Applications". In his work he presents techniques for static data flow analysis, which are able to efficiently analyse big amounts of code, even binary code, of real Android apps.

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Blockchain Research Center opened

Prof. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi and Prof. Sebastian Faust, both from CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt, have in cooperation with Prof. Philipp Sandner of the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Goethe University and international academic and industrial partners Ledgers and Contracts founded the Center for Secure Distributed Ledgers and Contracts. The center researches decentralized security technologies and conducts interdisciplinary research between computer science, law and economics.

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The 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) will offer an internatinal forum for scientists and users to discuss compositon, development and usage of information systems that are aimed to improve on coping mechanisms for crisis and disaster situations. The conference will offer different tracks, which will present different focal points of the topic. Prof. Christian Reuter, CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt, is co-chair of the track "Social Media in Crisis and Conflicts".

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FONAS Annual Conference 2018

At this year's autumn conference of the Research Alliance for Science, Disarmament and International Security (FONAS), Prof. Christian Reuter, CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt, presented the subject area "Science and Technology for Peace and Security." Thea Riebe, PhD student in the field PEASEC and research associate of the research group KontiKat at the University of Siegen, explained in their presentation a research project for the evaluation of dual-use risks in software development and was also elected as a member of the FONAS board of directors.

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International Exchange

Vice minister Chung-Jung Su lead a delegation of 24 members to be informed during their visit of the cyber security research in Darmstadt. Researchers of CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt and Fraunhofer SIT presented their development strategies, international activities and new fields of research and showcased their individual work groups.

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Workshop für StartUps

Für StartUps, die ihr Unternehmen erfolgreich gegründet haben und sich derzeit in der Phase nach der EXIST-Förderung befinden, bzw. die weiterhin auf der Suche nach finanzieller Unterstützung durch Investoren sind, bietet StartUpSecure in Zusam­men­arbeit mit dem Profilbereich Cyber­sicher­heit und dem Gründungszentrum HIGHEST der TU Darmstadt einen Workshop an, in dem verschiedene Finanzierungs­mög­lich­keiten aufgezeigt werden.

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StartUpSecure at it-sa 2018

StartUpSecure will debut at europe's largest trade fair for IT-security it-sa - Home of Security taking place from 9th to 11th October 2018 in Nürnberg.The fair shows a broad spectre of approx. 700 exhibitors with products or services concerning cloud, mobile communication and cyber security, data and network security including physical IT-security. Also consulting companies and current research will have a place.

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BTAS 2018

Researchers of the Fraunhofer IGD could sucessfully place two papers at the IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications, and Systems (BTAS) platziert. BTAS 2018 is aimed to showcase current research on biometric technologies and is an international forum for new ideas and usage for this field. Biometric systems that feature insides on voice, fingerprint, iris, face, handwriting, gait and other modalities as well as the newest sensor technologies are in special focus at this flaggship conference of the IEEE Biometrics Council.
CRISP-Researcher Prof. Christoph Busch, Hochschule Darmstadt, is member of the organistion committee.

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