
3 Tips for Founders
Teamwork is one of the keywords of the modern working world. The German Startup Monitor shows that three out of four startups are formed in a team (DSM 2017). As a result, a number of successful start-ups have been launched as a team, which are now well-known companies from Silicon Valley.
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Start-up of the month
Often, the worst security gap in companies are their own employees. A single click on a compromised e-mail link allows employees to paralyze the entire IT infrastructure. This means, well-trained employees are a key component in the IT security strategy of every company. IT-Seal focuses on this problem and individually trains employees with spear phishing emails and other social engineering simulations. The young technology company carries out simulations of hacker attacks and sends out fake advertising emails and payment requests. If an employee clicks on the link, they will be sensitized directly on an interactive explanatory page about the handling of e-mails of this kind in order to prevent dangers like it in the future.
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StartUpSecure at it-sa 2018
StartUpSecure will debut at europe's largest trade fair for IT-security it-sa - Home of Security taking place from 9th to 11th October 2018 in Nürnberg.The fair shows a broad spectre of approx. 700 exhibitors with products or services concerning cloud, mobile communication and cyber security, data and network security including physical IT-security. Also consulting companies and current research will have a place.
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Start-up desof the Month
Authada is a Darmstadt cybersecurity startup and a spin-off of the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. Authada's identification solutions are build on the eID functionality of the ID card. Authada revolutionises existing identification processes - people are identified in seconds by means of a mobile or stationary NFC-enabled terminal. It is legally secure on the basis of German and EU legislation, as well as application-safe due to the certification of these solutions by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI).
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Three Tips for Founders
Public relations is one of the most important means of putting a newly founded startup, a newly introduced product idea or a service in a positive light. The press release is still the most popular PR tool. To succeed with the journalist, the message must stand out. We give three tips to consider when writing a press release.
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Darmstadt Start-Ups are in greater demand than ever
Prof. Peter Buxmann is Professor of Business Informatics | Software & Digital Business at the TU Darmstadt and Head of the Innovation and Start-up Center of the TU Darmstadt (HIGHEST). In an interview he explains why start-ups are so interesting for the economy, what HIGHEST's role is and why innovative ideas are needed, especially in the area of IT security.
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StartUpSecure introduces itself
Some probably already know StartUpSecure. Everyone else has the opportunity to learn more about us and our consulting activities.
read moreStart of the foundation incubator "StartUpSecure" at CRISP
On December 1, 2017 the startup incubator "StartUpSecure" started at CRISP. The incubator ist sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and aims to promote young companies in the field of IT-Security. A start incubator "StartUpSecure" will also be set up at the two other competence centers for cyber security CISPA in Saarbrücken and KASTEL in Karlsruhe as well as at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
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