
Demand for support from StartUpSecure is rising despite Corona
For two and a half years, subsidy program StartUpSecure | ATHENE has been actively consulting businesses in every aspect about the topic of startups in the IT industry. The very same is true for the homonymous subsidy program of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Looking back as well as forward, the members of the subsidy program can deliver a generally positive summary. As of now, their consultations, their numerous workshops and events as well as their overall support options are well called on services. Even in times of Corona, this demand has not declined. Currently, seven startup projects are being supported by the BMBF. TU Darmstadt alumni and researchers are involved in four of these alone. More projects are expected for 2020.
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Synamic Technologies receives funding for IT security project Patch Pilot
The subsidy program StartUpSecure of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports the product idea for automatized estimation and risk evaluation for vulnerabilities in IT.
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Secure cloud infrastructure with the push of a button
Since April 1, 2020, meshcloud has been backed by the subsidy program StartUpSecure of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
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ATHENE researcher receives Copernicus Award 2020
ATHENE researcher Prof. Sebastian Faust from the TU Darmstadt will receive the Copernicus Prize 2020 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) and the Stiftung für die polnische Wissenschaft (FNP) for his services to German-Polish cooperation in science. The prize, which is endowed with 200,000 EURO, goes equally to him and to Prof. Stefan Dziembowski from the University of Warsaw. They receive the award for their outstanding cooperation in the field of theoretical cryptography and IT security.
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COTECH receives funding for their product idea Hardware Security SDK
The subsidy program StartUpSecure of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports the development of safe and easy passwordless logins for businesses. Upon their application, COTECH was closely assisted and advised by the team of the incubator program StartUpSecure | ATHENE, benefitting from their technical and economic expertise.
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Three innovations for more IT security
Passwordless logins, management solutions across the cloud, and the automatic recognition and removal of vulnerabilities in IT – three novel product ideas are meant to enhance the security of IT in businesses. The subsidy program StartUpSecure by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (GDPR) supports projects by the startups COTECH, meshcloud and Synamic Technologies.
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NeSPA student project receives award
In the category "Students" NeSPA was awarded with the third place in this year's TU ideas competition. In the project, a password manager generates an individual, secure password from a master password and a purpose of use, thereby dispensing with password storage and synchronisation between the respective end devices. The prize is endowed with 1,000 euros and was awarded during the Startup & Innovation Day 2019. First and third place went to the WriteForMe team and Kaipara AdVrenture.
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Perun takes second place in TU ideas competition
In the "Scientists" category, Team Perun was awarded with the second place in this year's TU Ideas Competition for its "ProChain" project. In the StartUpSecure-funded project, high-performance block chain systems are being developed that can process more transactions without waiting times at significantly reduced fees compared to current (payment) systems. The prize is endowed with 2,000 euros. First and third place went to the Sooqua and Caliberation teams.
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New funding for innovative ideas to protect against cyber threats
To protect against cyber threats, new technologies such as powerful computers and digital currencies require innovative security measures . Through the newly launched funding program "StartUpSecure" of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the first promising projects now get start-up assistance in the implementation of their founding ideas. The CRISP incubator StartUpSecure accompanied them on their way there.
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Finanzielle Förderung von StartUps im Bereich IT-Sicherheit
Since the beginning of the year, all founders and future founders get advice from our experts to develop their first ideas into market-ready products and services for more cyber security. To this end, the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) provides funding for various phases of the foundation, which can be applied for using StartUpSecure.
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