

Towards enhancing the visual analysis of interdomain routing
Ulmer, Alex; Kohlhammer, Jörn; Shulman, Haya
International Joint Conference on Computer Vision and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP) 2017
[Conference Paper]

Ambient Intelligence. 13th European Conference, AmI 2017
European Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI) 2017
[Conference Proceeding]

Towards enhancing the visual analysis of interdomain routing
Ulmer, Alex; Kohlhammer, Jörn; Shulman, Haya
International Joint Conference on Computer Vision and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP) 12, 2017, Porto>
[Conference Paper]

Attack detection in an autonomous entrance system using optical flow
Siegmund, Dirk; Fu, Biying; Samartzidis, Timotheos; Wainakh, Aidmar; Kuijper, Arjan; Braun, Andreas
International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP) 2016
[Conference Paper]

Combining low-level features of offline questionnaires for handwriting identification
Siegmund, Dirk; Ebert, Tina; Damer, Naser
International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR) 2016
[Conference Paper]

Verifying isolation in a mantrap portal via thermal imaging
Siegmund, Dirk; Handtke, David; Kaehm, Olga
International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP) 2016
[Conference Paper]

Verification of single-person access in a mantrap portal using RGB-D images
Siegmund, Dirk; Wainakh, Aidmar; Braun, Andreas
Workshop de Visão Computacional (WVC) 2016
[Conference Paper]

Multi-biometric continuous authentication. A trust model for an asynchronous system
Damer, Naser; Maul, Fabian; Busch, Christoph
International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION) 2016
[Conference Paper]

Practical view on face presentation attack detection
Damer, Naser; Dimitrov, Kristiyan
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2016
[Conference Paper]

Personalized face reference from video: Key-face selection and feature-level fusion
Damer, Naser; Samartzidis, Timotheos; Nouak, Alexander
International Workshop on Face and Facial Expression Recognition from Real World Videos (FFER) 2014
[Conference Paper]

Weighted integration of neighbors distance ratio in multi-biometric fusion
Damer, Naser; Nouak, Alexander
Gesellschaft für Informatik, Special Interest Group on Biometrics and Electronic Signatures (BIOSIG International Conference) 2015
[Conference Paper]

Fuzzy logic and multi-biometric fusion
Maul, Fabian; Damer, Naser
International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM) 2015
[Conference Paper]

Robust 2D face recognition under different illuminations using binarized partial face features: Towards protecting ID documents
Butt, Moazzam; Alkhatib, Wael
International Workshop on Computational Forensics (IWCF) 2012
[Conference Paper]