

A Cryptographic Analysis of the TLS 1.3 draft-10 Full and Pre-shared Key Handshake Protocol
Dowling, Benjamin; Fischlin, Marc; Günther, Felix; Stebila, Douglas
Cryptology ePrint Archive, p.1-33
[Journal Article]

Security Proofs for Participation Privacy and Stronger Verifiability for Helios
Bernhard, David; Kulyk, Oksana; Volkamer, Melanie

LINCOS - A Storage System Providing Long-Term Integrity, Authenticity, and Confidentiality (Full Paper)
Braun, Johannes; Buchmann, Johannes; Demirel, Denise; Fujiwara, Mikio; Geihs, Matthias; Moriai, Shiho; Sasaki, Masahide; Waseda, Atsushi
ASIA CCS '17: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security, p.1-13
[Conference Proceedings]

Post-Quantum Attribute-Based Signatures from Lattice Assumptions
Bansarkhani, Rachid El; El Kaafarani, Ali
Cryptology ePrint Archive, p.1-28
[Journal Article]

Revisiting the Hybrid Attack: Improved Analysis and Refined Security Estimates
Wunderer, Thomas
Cryptology ePrint Archive, p.1-35
[Journal Article]

Computational Security of Quantum Encryption
Alagic, Gorjan; Broadbent, Anne; Fefferman, Bill; Gagliardoni, Tommaso; Schaffner, Christian; Jules, Michael St.
Information Theoretic Security : 9th International Conference, ICITS 2016, Tacoma, WA, USA, August 9-12, 2016, p.47-71

Analyzing TETRA Location Privacy and Network Availability
Pfeiffer, Martin; Kwiotek, Jan-Pascal; Classen, Jiska; Klose, Robin; Hollick, Matthias
6th Workshop on Security and Privacy in Smartphones and Mobile Devices
[Conference Proceedings]

Poster: Friend or Foe? Context Authentication for Trust Domain Separation in IoT Environments
Miettinen, Markus; Huang, Jialin; Nguyen, Thien Duc; Asokan, N.; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
Proc. 9th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec'16)
[Conference Proceedings]

User-Centric Security and Dependability in the Cloud of Clouds
Lacoste, Marc; Sousa, Paulo; Neves, Nuno; Miettinen, Markus; Ramos, Fernando M.V.; Vukolic, Marko; Charmet, Fabien; Yaich, Reda; Oborzynski, Krzysztof; Vernekar, Gitesh
IEEE Cloud Computing Special issue on Cloud Security, p.64-75
[Journal Article]

Is the Internet Ready for DNSSEC: Evaluating Pitfalls in the Naming Infrastructure
Shulman, Haya; Waidner, Michael
In Traffic Monitoring and Analysis (TMA)
[Conference Proceedings]

Call graph construction for Java libraries
Reif, Michael; Eichberg, Michael; Hermann, Ben; Lerch, Johannes; Mezini, Mira
Proceedings of the 2016 24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering
[Conference Proceedings]

Variability Modeling of Cryptographic Components (Clafer Experience Report)
Nadi, Sarah; Krüger, Stefan
Tenth International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems
[Conference Proceedings]

On the Efficiency of Polynomial Multiplication for Lattice-Based Cryptography on GPUs Using CUDA
Akleylek, Sedat; Dagdelen, Özgür; Tok, Zaliha Yüce
Cryptography and Information Security in the Balkans, p.155-168
[Conference Proceedings]

NetCo: Reliable Routing with Unreliable Routers
Feldmann, Anja; Heyder, Philipp; Kreutzer, Michael; Schmid, Stefan; Seifert, Jean-Pierre; Shulman, Haya; Thimmaraju, Kashyap; Waidner, Michael; Sieberg, Jens
IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN) Workshops
[Conference Proceedings]

Obfuscation Combiners
Fischlin, Marc; Herzberg, Amir; Noon, Hon Bin; Shulman, Haya
International Cryptology Conference (CRYPTO)
[Conference Proceedings]

Poster: Friend or Foe? Context Authentication for Trust Domain Separation in IoT Environments
Asokan, N.; Huang, Jialin; Miettinen, Markus; Nguyen, Thien Duc; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
[Conference Proceedings]

LoT: a Reputation-based Trust System for Long-term Archiving
Vigil, Martín; Demirel, Denise; Habib, Sheikh Mahbub; Hauke, Sascha; Buchmann, Johannes; Mühlhäuser, Max
SECURWARE 2016, p.262-270
[Conference Proceedings]

Dissipation-enabled efficient excitation transfer from a single photon to a single quantum emitter
Trautmann, Nils; Alber, Gernot
Physical Review A
[Journal Article]

Towards a Unified Security Model for Physically Unclonable Functions
Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Armknecht, Frederik
CT-RSA - Cryptographers' Track at the RSA Conference
[Conference Proceedings]

ProxiWatch: Enhancing Smartwatch Interaction through Proximity-based Hand Input
Müller, Florian; Günther, Sebastian; Dezfuli, Niloofar; Khalilbeigi, Mohammadreza; Mühlhäuser, Max
CHI EA '16: Proceedings of the 34rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems
[Conference Proceedings]

Can IoT be Secured: Emerging Challenges in Connecting the Unconnected
Cam-Winget, Nancy; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Jin, Yier
53rd Design Automation Conference (DAC)
[Conference Proceedings]

Remote Attestation for Low-End Embedded Devices: the Prover's Perspective
Brasser, Ferdinand; Rasmussen, Kasper; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Tsudik, Gene
Proceedings of the 53nd Annual Design Automation Conference
[Conference Proceedings]

Big Data Storage
Strohbach, Martin; Daubert, Jörg; Ravkin, Herman; Lischka, Mario
New Horizons for a Data-Driven Economy - A Roadmap for Usage and Exploitation of Big Data in Europe, p.119-141

DroidAuditor: Forensic Analysis of Application-Layer Privilege Escalation Attacks on Android
Heuser, Stephan; Negro, Marco; Pendyala, Praveen Kumar; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza

DroidAuditor: Forensic Analysis of Application-Layer Privilege Escalation Attacks on Android
Heuser, Stephan; Negro, Marco; Pendyala, Praveen Kumar; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
Financial Crypto 2016
[Conference Proceedings]

On the anonymity of privacy-preserving many-to-many communication in the presence of node churn and attacks
Daubert, Jörg; Grube, Tim; Fischer, Mathias; Mühlhäuser, Max
Proceedings of the 13th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), p.738-744
[Conference Proceedings]

Sicherheitsaspekte und Vergleich der Blockchifren LED und TEA
Appel, Michael; Pauer, Christof; Wiesmaier, Alexander

Harvesting Runtime Values in Android Applications That Feature Anti-Analysis Techniques
Rasthofer, Siegfried; Arzt, Steven; Miltenberger, Marc; Bodden, Eric
Network and Distributed System Security Symposium 2016, p.1-15
[Conference Proceedings]

Enhancing the scalability, tractability and memory usage of HashSieve on multi-core CPUs
Mariano, Artur; Bischof, Christian
[Conference Proceedings]

Efficiency Comparison of Various Approaches in E-Voting Protocols
Kulyk, Oksana; Volkamer, Melanie
Financial Cryptography and Data Security. FC 2016 International Workshops, BITCOIN, VOTING, and WAHC, Revised Selected Papers, p.209-233
[Conference Proceedings]