
Building Castles in Quicksand: Blueprints of a Crowdsourced Study

AutorRenkema-Padmos, Arne; Volkamer, Melanie; Renaud, Karen
ArtConference Proceedings
AbstraktFinding participants for experiments has always been a challenge. As technology advanced, running experiments online became a viable way to carry out research that did not require anything more than a personal computer. The natural next step in this progression emerged as crowdsourcing became an option. We report on our experience of joining this new wave of practice, and the difficulties and challenges we encountered when crowdsourcing a study. This led us to re-evaluate the validity of crowdsourced research. We report our findings, and conclude with guidelines for crowdsourced experiments.
InExtended abstracts of the 32nd CHI conference on human factors in computing systems
PublisherACM Digital Library