

On the Accuracy of Formal Verification of Selective Defenses for TDoS Attacks
Lemos, Marcilio O. O.; Dantas, Yuri Gil; Fonseca, Iguatemi E.; Nigam, Vivek
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, p.45-67
[Journal Article]

On the Accuracy of Formal Verification of Selective Defenses for TDoS Attacks
Lemos, Marcilio O. O.; Dantas, Yuri Gil; Fonseca, Iguatemi E.; Nigam, Vivek
Proceedings of the Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming (JLAMP), p.45-67
[Journal Article]

A Systematic Evaluation of API-Misuse Detectors
Amann, Sven; Nguyen, Hoan Anh; Nadi, Sarah; Nguyen, Tien; Mezini, Mira
[Journal Article]

Scalable Private Set Intersection Based on OT Extension
Pinkas, Benny; Schneider, Thomas; Zohner, Michael
ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS), p.7:1-7:35
[Journal Article]

Trapped-ion quantum simulation of excitation transport: Disordered, noisy, and long-range connected quantum networks
Trautmann, N.; Hauke, P.
Physical Review A
[Journal Article]

PIR-PSI: Scaling Private Contact Discovery
Demmler, Daniel; Rindal, Peter; Rosulek, Mike; Trieu, Ni
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs), p.159-178
[Journal Article]

Estimation of the Hardness of the Learning with Errors Problem with a Restricted Number of Samples
Bindel, Nina; Buchmann, Johannes; Göpfert, Florian; Schmidt, Markus
Journal of Mathematical Cryptology
[Journal Article]

An Overview of DRAM-Based Security Primitives
Anagnostopoulos, Nikolaos Athanasios; Katzenbeisser, Stefan; Chandy, John A.; Tehranipoor, Fatemeh
[Journal Article]

Decay-Based DRAM PUFs in Commodity Devices
Schaller, André; Xiong, Wenjie; Anagnostopoulos, Nikolaos Athanasios; Saleem, Umair; Gabmeyer, Sebastian; Skoric, Boris; Katzenbeisser, Stefan; Szefer, Jakub
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC)
[Journal Article]

Intrinsic Run-Time Row Hammer PUFs: Leveraging the Row Hammer Effect for Run-Time Cryptography and Improved Security
Anagnostopoulos, Nikolaos Athanasios; Arul, Tolga; Fan, Yufan; Hatzfeld, Christian; Schaller, André; Xiong, Wenjie; Jain, Manishkumar; Saleem, Umair; Lotichius, Jan; Gabmeyer, Sebastian; Szefer, Jakub; Katzenbeisser, Stefan
[Journal Article]

A Novel Design Flow for a Security-Driven Synthesis of Side-Channel Hardened Cryptographic Modules
Huss, Sorin; Stein, Oliver
Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications
[Journal Article]

Execution Integrity with In-Place Encryption
Sullivan, Dean; Arias, Orlando; Gens, David; Davi, Lucas; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Jin, Yier
[Journal Article]

A Framework to Select Parameters for Lattice-Based Cryptography
Alkeilani Alkadri, Nabil; Buchmann, Johannes; Bansarkhani, Rachid El; Krämer, Juliane
Cryptology ePrint Archive, p.1-37
[Journal Article]

HardScope: Thwarting DOP with Hardware-assisted Run-time Scope Enforcement
Nyman, Thomas; Dessouky, Ghada; Zeitouni, Shaza; Lehikoinen, Aaro; Paverd, Andrew; Asokan, N.; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
Cryptography and Security
[Journal Article]

Towards Social Resilience: A Quantitative and Qualitative Survey on Citizens' Perception of Social Media in Emergencies in Europe
Reuter, Christian; Spielhofer, Thomas
Technological Forecasting and Social Change (TFSC), p.168-180
[Journal Article]

IT for Peace? Fighting Against Terrorism in Social Media - An Explorative Twitter Study
Reuter, Christian; Pätsch, Katja; Runft, Elena
i-com: Journal of Interactive Media, p.181-195
[Journal Article]

Social Media in Emergencies: A Representative Study on Citizens' Perception in Germany
Reuter, Christian; Kaufhold, Marc-André; Spielhofer, Thomas; Hahne, Anna Sophie
Proceedings of the ACM Human Computer Interaction (PACM): Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Vol. 1 Issue CSCW, p.1-19
[Journal Article, Conference Proceedings]

Zur Verantwortung der Informatik in einer technologisierten Gesellschaft
Reinhold, Thomas
Sicherheit und Frieden
[Journal Article]

Guest Editorial Preface: Special Issue on IT-Support for Critical Infrastructure Protection
Pottebaum, Jens; Reuter, Christian
International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM), p.iv-vii
[Journal Article]

The Role of Technological Infrastructure in Nomadic Practices of a Social Activist Community
Carvalho, Aparecido Fabiano Pinatti de; Saeed, Saqib; Reuter, Christian; Wulf, Volker
International reports on socio-informatics, p.41-47
[Conference Proceedings, Journal Article]

From Facebook to the Neighbourhood: Infrastructuring of Hybrid Community Engagement
Mosconi, Gaia; Korn, Matthias; Reuter, Christian; Tolmie, Peter; Teli, Maurizio; Pipek, Volkmar
Computer Supported Cooperative Work: The Journal of Collaborative Computing (JCSCW), p.959-1003
[Journal Article]

Situated crowdsourcing during disasters: Managing the tasks of spontaneous volunteers through public displays
Ludwig, Thomas; Kotthaus, Christoph; Reuter, Christian; Dongen, Sören Van; Pipek, Volkmar
International Journal on Human-Computer Studies (IJHCS), p.103-121
[Journal Article]

Integration von Flow in die Mensch-Computer-Interaktion? Potenziale für die Gestaltung interaktiver Systeme
Kaufhold, Marc-André; Reuter, Christian
Wissenschaft trifft Praxis, p.78-88
[Journal Article]

Holographic quantum imaging: reconstructing spatial properties via two-particle interference
Trautmann, N.; Ferenczi, Gergely; Croke, Sarah; Barnett, Stephen
Journal of Optics
[Journal Article]

Linkable Message Tagging: Solving the Key Distribution Problem of Signature Schemes
Günther, Felix; Poettering, Bertram
International Journal of Information Security, p.281-297
[Journal Article]

More Efficient Oblivious Transfer Extensions
Asharov, Gilad; Lindell, Yehuda; Schneider, Thomas; Zohner, Michael
Journal of Cryptology (JoC), p.805-858
[Journal Article]

Productivity vs. Security: Mitigating Conflicting Goals in Organizations
Mayer, Peter; Gerber, Nina; McDermott, Ronja; Volkamer, Melanie; Vogt, Joachim
Information and Computer Security, p.137-151
[Journal Article]

Sicherheit in der Kommunikation: kostenloses Maßnahmen-Angebot für KMU gegen Internetbetrug
Rehfeld, Silke; Volkamer, Melanie; Neumann, Stephan
>Mittelstand 4.0 - Agentur Kommunikation
[Journal Article]

Scalable Attestation Resilient to Physical Attacks for Embedded Devices in Mesh Networks
Kohnhäuser, Florian; Büscher, Niklas; Gabmeyer, Sebastian; Katzenbeisser, Stefan
[Journal Article, Report]

User experiences of TORPEDO: TOoltip-powered phishing email DetectiOn
Volkamer, Melanie; Renaud, Karen; Reinheimer, Benjamin; Kunz, Alexandra
>Computers & Security, p.100-113
[Journal Article]