
Mental Models of Verifiability in Voting

AutorOlembo, Maina; Bartsch, Steffen; Volkamer, Melanie
ArtConference Proceedings
AbstraktIn order for voters to verify their votes, they have to carry out additional steps besides selecting a candidate and submitting their vote. In previous work, voters have been found to be confused about the concept of and motivation for verifiability in electronic voting when confronted with it. In order to better communicate verifiability to voters, we identify mental models of verifiability in voting using a questionnaire distributed online in Germany. The identified mental models are Trusting No Knowledge Observer Personal Involvement and Matching models. Within the same survey, we identify terms that can be used in place of ‘verify’ as well as security-relevant metaphors known to the voters that can be used to communicate verifiability.
SerieLecture Notes in Computer Science
In4th International Conference on e-Voting and Identity (VoteID13), p.142 - 155