

Rechtliche Implikationen von Cybersicherheitsvorfällen in der kommunalen Verwaltung
Schreiber, Linda
Gesellschaft für Informatik (Jahrestagung) 2022
[Conference Paper]

Are thermal attacks a realistic threat? Investigating the preconditions of thermal attacks in users’ daily lives
Bekaert, Paul; Alotaibi, Norah; Mathis, Florian; Gerber, Nina; Rafferty, Aidan Christopher; Khamis, Mohamed; Marky, Karola
Proceedings of the 12th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, p.1-9
[Conference Proceedings]

Website operators are not the enemy either - Analyzing options for creating cookie consent notices without dark patterns
Stöver, Alina; Gerber, Nina; Cornel, Christin; Henz, Mona; Marky, Karola; Zimmermann, Verena; Vogt, Joachim
Mensch und Computer 2022 - Workshopband
[Conference Proceedings]

Autonomous Driving - Analysing the Impact of Resilience Engineering Features in Smart Car Interfaces
Pasnicu, Otilia; Zmmermann, Verena; Gerber, Nina; Cardoso, Sarah
Mensch und Computer 2022: Facing Realities - Tagungsband, p.545-549
[Conference Proceedings]

Nostradamus Goes Quantum
Benedikt, Barbara Jiabao; Fischlin, Marc; Huppert, Moritz
Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2022, p.583-613
[Conference Proceedings]

VR-based Exploration of Participant Movement in Experimental Psychology
Kloiber, Simon; Collins, Peter; Eggeling, Eva; Preiner, Reinhold; Schreck, Tobias
International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2022
[Conference Paper]

Overloading the Nonce: Rugged PRPs, Nonce-Set AEAD, and Order-Resilient Channels
Degabriele, Jean Paul; Karadžić, Vukašin
Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2022, p.264-295
[Conference Proceedings]

DeTox: A Comprehensive Dataset for German Offensive Language and Conversation Analysis
Demus, Christoph; Pitz, Jonas; Schütz, Mina; Probol, Nadine; Siegel, Melanie; Labudde, Dirk
Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms 2022
[Conference Paper]

On Quantum Ciphertext Indistinguishability, Recoverability, and OAEP
Krämer, Juliane; Struck, Patrick
Post-Quantum Cryptography, p.286-306
[Conference Proceedings]

A Random Oracle for All of Us
Fischlin, Marc; Rohrbach, Felix; Schmalz, Tobias
Progress in Cryptology - AFRICACRYPT 2022, p.469-489
[Conference Proceedings]

Towards Automated Detection and Prevention of Regrettable (Self-) Disclosures on Social Media
Simo Fhom, Hervais-Clemence; Kreutzer, Michael
International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications 2022
[Conference Paper]

CAHOOT: a Context-Aware veHicular intrusiOn detectiOn sysTem
Micale, Davide; Costantino, Gianpiero; Matteucci, Ilaria; Fenzl, Florian; Rieke, Roland; Patanè, Giuseppe
International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications 2022
[Conference Paper]

Design Space Exploration of DICE
Lorych, Dominik; Jäger, Lukas
International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security 2022
[Conference Paper]

A Resilient Network Node for the Industrial Internet of Things
Jäger, Lukas; Lorych, Dominik; Eckel, Michael
International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security 2022
[Conference Paper]

The augmentation-speed tradeoff for consistent network updates
Henzinger, Monika; Paz, Ami; Pourdamghani, Arash; Schmid, Stefan
Symposium on SDN Research 2022
[Conference Paper]

Model-Based Insights on the Performance, Fairness, and Stability of BBR
Scherrer, Simon; Legner, Markus; Perrig, Adrian; Schmid, Stefan
Internet Measurement Conference 2022
[Conference Paper]

Visual Analytics for Urban Data Analysis
Burmeister, Jan; Liao, Jilin; Yang, Jieqing; Wei, Qingtian; Wang, Kexin
IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST Challenge Workshop) 2022

Is Our Ability to Detect Errors an Indicator of Mind Wandering? An Experiment Proposal
Conrad, Colin D.; Klesel, Michael; Mayhew, Kydra; O’Neil, Kiera; Oschinsky, Frederike Marie; Usai, Francesco
Conference "NeuroIS Retreat" 2022
[Conference Paper]

An AR User Interface for the Evaluation of Visuospatial Abilities
Imenkamp, Charlotte; Hanert, Annika; Schönfeld, Robby; Bartsch, Thorsten; Woelk, Felix
Konferenz "Mensch und Computer" 2022
[Conference Paper]

Integrating Stand-Alone New Media Technologies Such as Games and Virtual and Augmented Reality Software into Learning Management Systems
Horst, Robin; Naraghi-Taghi-Off, Ramtin; Dörner, Ralf
International Conference on Education and E-Learning 2022
[Conference Paper]

Camera-based Blink Detection using 3D-Landmarks
Kraft, Dimitri; Hartmann, Frederik; Bieber, Gerald
International Workshop on Sensor-based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 2022
[Conference Paper]

Does my Glucose Level Tell how Energetic I Feel?
Lambusch, Fabienne; Knoblich, Jannik; Weigelt, Oliver; Kraft, Dimitri; Fellmann, Michael; Bieber, Gerald
International Workshop on Sensor-based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 2022
[Conference Paper]

VirTEE: a full backward-compatible TEE with native live migration and secure I/O
Wang, Jianqiang; Mahmoody, Pouya; Brasser, Ferdinand; Jauernig, Patrick; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Yu, Donghui; Pan, Dahan; Zhang, Yuanyuan
DAC'22: Proceedings of the 59th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, p.241-246
[Conference Proceedings]

Trusting the trust anchor: towards detecting cross-layer vulnerabilities with hardware fuzzing
Chen, Chen; Kande, Rahul; Mahmoody, Pouya; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Rajendran, JV
DAC'22: Proceedings of the 59th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, p.1379-1383
[Conference Proceedings]

Reducing Deployment Cost for Passive Electric Field Sensors
Wilmsdorff, Julian von; Kolf, Jan Niklas; Kuijper, Arjan
International Workshop on Sensor-based Activity Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 2022
[Conference Paper]

PEA: Practical private epistasis analysis using MPC
Hamacher, Kay; Kussel, Tobias; Schneider, Thomas; Tkachenko, Oleksandr
Computer Security - ESORICS 2022, p.320-339
[Conference Proceedings]

POSTER: MPClan: Protocol suite for privacy-conscious computations
Kotila, Nishat; Patil, Shravani; Patra, Arpita; Suresh, Ajith
CCS '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, p.3379-3381
[Conference Proceedings]

Poster: Privacy-Preserving Epidemiological Modeling on Mobile Graphs
Günther, Daniel; Holz, Marco; Judkewitz, Benjamin; Möllering, Helen; Pinkas, Benny; Schneider, Thomas; Suresh, Ajith
CCS '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, p.3351-3353
[Conference Proceedings]

Poster: Efficient Three-Party Shuffling Using Precomputation
Brüggemann, Andreas; Schneider, Thomas; Suresh, Ajith; Yalame, Hossein
CCS '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, p.3331-3333
[Conference Proceedings]

Towards the Gamification of VR Authoring Environments
Horst, Robin; Schmitt, Marcel; Leipe, Andreas; Naraghi-Taghi-Off, Ramtin; Dörner, Ralf
International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence 2022
[Conference Paper]