

Towards enhancing the visual analysis of interdomain routing
Ulmer, Alex; Kohlhammer, Jörn; Shulman, Haya
International Joint Conference on Computer Vision and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP) 12, 2017, Porto>
[Conference Paper]

Attack detection in an autonomous entrance system using optical flow
Siegmund, Dirk; Fu, Biying; Samartzidis, Timotheos; Wainakh, Aidmar; Kuijper, Arjan; Braun, Andreas
International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP) 2016
[Conference Paper]

Combining low-level features of offline questionnaires for handwriting identification
Siegmund, Dirk; Ebert, Tina; Damer, Naser
International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR) 2016
[Conference Paper]

Verifying isolation in a mantrap portal via thermal imaging
Siegmund, Dirk; Handtke, David; Kaehm, Olga
International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP) 2016
[Conference Paper]

Verification of single-person access in a mantrap portal using RGB-D images
Siegmund, Dirk; Wainakh, Aidmar; Braun, Andreas
Workshop de Visão Computacional (WVC) 2016
[Conference Paper]

Multi-biometric continuous authentication. A trust model for an asynchronous system
Damer, Naser; Maul, Fabian; Busch, Christoph
International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION) 2016
[Conference Paper]

Practical view on face presentation attack detection
Damer, Naser; Dimitrov, Kristiyan
British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2016
[Conference Paper]

Let’s get physical: Lässt sich User Experience physiologisch erfassen?
Gerber, Nina
Mensch und Computer 2016 - Tagungsband
[Conference Proceedings]

LINCOS - A Storage System Providing Long-Term Integrity, Authenticity, and Confidentiality (Full Paper)
Braun, Johannes; Buchmann, Johannes; Demirel, Denise; Fujiwara, Mikio; Geihs, Matthias; Moriai, Shiho; Sasaki, Masahide; Waseda, Atsushi
ASIA CCS '17: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security, p.1-13
[Conference Proceedings]

On the Security \& Privacy of Internet of Things Architectures and Systems
Vasilomanolakis, Emmanouil; Daubert, Jörg; Luthra, Manisha; Gazis, Vangelis; Wiesmaier, Alex; Kikiras, Panayotis
2015 International Workshop on Secure Internet of Things (SIoT), p.49-57
[Conference Proceedings]

Advanced Remote Firmware Upgrades Using TPM 2.0
Fuchs, Andreas; Krauß, Christoph; Repp, Jürgen
Proceedings of the 31th International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection (IFIP SEC)
[Conference Proceedings]

Evaluation of Lightweight TPMs for Automotive Software Updates over the Air
Petri, Richard; Springer, Markus; Zelle, Daniel; McDonald, Ira; Fuchs, Andreas; Krauß, Christoph
4th Embedded Security in Cars (escar) USA
[Conference Proceedings]

Zur Benutzbarkeit der AusweisApp2
Willomitzer, Jörg; Heinemann, Andreas; Margraf, Marian
Mensch & Computer Workshopband
[Conference Proceedings]

Usability-Untersuchung eines Papierprototypen für eine mobile Online-Ausweisfunktion des Personalausweises
Kostic, Sandra; Heinemann, Andreas; Margraf, Marian
GI-Jahrestagung, p.519-527
[Conference Proceedings]

Workshop: Nutzerzentrierte Sicherheit - NzS 2016
Heinemann, Andreas; Lange, Steffen; Margraf, Marian; Willomitzer, Jörg
GI-Jahrestagung, p.485-486
[Conference Proceedings]

Ludo - kids playing Distributed Denial of Service
Steinberger, J.; Santanna, J.; Spatharas, E.; Amler, H.; Breuer, N.; others
TERENA Networking Conf. (TNC16)
[Conference Proceedings]

Collaborative DDoS defense using flow-based security event information
Steinberger, J.; Kuhnert, B.; Sperotto, A.; Baier, H.; Pras, A.
NOMS 2016 - 2016 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, p.516-522
[Conference Proceedings]

A Binarization Scheme for Face Recognition Based on Multi-Scale Block Local Binary Patterns
Schlett, T.; Rathgeb, C.; Busch, C.
2016 Intl. Conf. of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), p.1-4
[Conference Proceedings]

Unit-Selection Attack Detection Based on Unfiltered Frequency-Domain Features
Scherhag, U.; Nautsch, A.; Rathgeb, C.; Busch, C.
Proc. of the Annual Conf. of the Intl. Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH), p.2209-2213
[Conference Proceedings]

How to apply Binarized Statistical Image Features to Near-Infrared Iris Recognition effectively
Rathgeb, C.; Struck, F.; Busch, C.
Sixth Intl. Conf. on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications (IPTA 2016)
[Conference Proceedings]

TripleA: Accelerated accuracy-preserving alignment for iris-codes
Rathgeb, C.; Hofbauer, H.; Uhl, A.; Busch, C.
2016 Intl. Conf. on Biometrics (ICB), p.1-8
[Conference Proceedings]

Multi-Bit Allocation: Preparing Voice Biometrics for Template Protection
Paulini, M.; Rathgeb, C.; Nautsch, A.; Reichau, H.; Reininger, H.; Busch, C.
Proc. Odyssey 2016: The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, p.291-296
[Conference Proceedings]

Robustness of Quality-based Score Calibration of Speaker Recognition Systems with respect to low-SNR and short-duration conditions
Nautsch, A.; Saeidi, R.; Rathgeb, C.; Busch, C.
Proc. Odyssey 2016: The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, p.358-365
[Conference Proceedings]

Towards PLDA-RBM based speaker recognition in mobile environment: Designing stacked/deep PLDA-RBM systems
Nautsch, A.; Hao, H.; Stafylakis, T.; Rathgeb, C.; Busch, C.
Proc. of 2016 IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), p.5055-5059
[Conference Proceedings]

HDA NIST SRE 16 Systems (CRISP \& I4U)
Nautsch, A.; Isadskiy, S.; Rathgeb, C.; Busch, C.
Proc. of the NIST SRE workshop
[Conference Proceedings]

Decision Robustness of Voice Activity Segmentation in Unconstrained Mobile Speaker Recognition Environments
Nautsch, A.; Bamberger, R.; Busch, C.
Proc. of 2016 Intl. Conf. of the Biometrics Special Interest Group (BIOSIG), p.1-7
[Conference Proceedings]

Correlation-resistant fuzzy vault for fingerprints
Merkle, J.; Butt, M.; Korte, U.; Busch, C.
Sicherheit 2016: Sicherheit, Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit, p.125-136
[Conference Proceedings]

The I4U Submission to the 2016 NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation
Lee, K.A.; Sun, H.; Sizov, A.; Wang, G.; Nguyen, T.H.; others
Proc. of the NIST SRE workshop
[Conference Proceedings]

Altered fingerprint detection - algorithm performance evaluation
Haraksim, Rudolf; Anthonioz, Alexandre; Champod, Christophe; Olsen, Martin; Ellingsgaard, John; Busch, Christophe
2016 4th Intl. Conf. on Biometrics and Forensics (IWBF), p.1-6
[Conference Proceedings]

Multi-biometric continuous authentication: A trust model for an asynchronous system
Damer, N.; Maul, F.; Busch, C.
2016 19th Intl. Conf. on Information Fusion (FUSION), p.2192-2199
[Conference Proceedings]