
The Role of Technological Infrastructure in Nomadic Practices of a Social Activist Community

AutorCarvalho, Aparecido Fabiano Pinatti de; Saeed, Saqib; Reuter, Christian; Wulf, Volker
ArtJournal Article
AbstraktInfrastructure is undoubtedly a key resource for people engaged in technologically-mediated nomadicity. Tech-Nomads rely on technological infrastructure components, such as Wi-Fi availability, to mobilise their workplaces and effectively accomplish their productive activities. In this paper, we introduce findings from an investigation focusing on how technological infrastructures are re-instantiated according to emerging demands. We focus particularly on the European Social Forum (ESF) (an activists’ platform) and the problems faced by the members of this network in mobilising its infrastructure, stressing findings from the literature about the importance of making infrastructure visible for nomadic practices, which have not yet been sufficiently explored. We suggest that infrastructure (re-) design methods would be a relevant resource for Tech-Nomads engaged in activities such as the ones from ESF.
InInternational reports on socio-informatics, p.41-47