Best Paper für ATHENE-Wissenschaftler*innen beim WIFS 2021
Für ihr Paper "Differential Anomaly Detection for Facial Images" wurden ATHENE-Wissenschaftler*innen der Biometrics and Internet-Security Research Group an der Hochschule Darmstadt mit dem Best Paper Award des 13th IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security (WIFS 2021) ausgezeichnet. WIFS wird vom IEEE Information Forensics and Security (IFS) Technical Committee der IEEE Signal Processing Society organisiert und gilt als deren wichtigste jährliche Veranstaltung. Forscher*innen bietet sie eine gute Gelegenheit, sich über den neuesten Stand der Technik sowie technisches Fachwissen in den Bereichen Informationssicherheit und Forensik auszutauschen.

Autor*innen des Papers sind Mathias Ibsen, Lazaro Janier Gonzalez-Soler, Christian Rathgeb, Pawel Drozdowski und Christoph Busch, alle Hochschule Darmstadt, sowie Marta Gómez-Barrero von der Hochschule Ansbach.
Due to their convenience and high accuracy, face recognition systems are widely employed in governmental and personal security applications to automatically recognise individuals. However, despite recent advances, face recognition systems have shown to be particularly vulnerable to identity attacks (i.e., digital manipulations and attack presentations). Identity attacks pose a big security threat as they can be used to gain unauthorised access and spread misinformation. In this context, most algorithms for detecting identity attacks generalise poorly to attack types that are unknown at training time. To tackle this problem, we introduce a differential anomaly detection framework in which deep face embeddings are first extracted from pairs of images (i.e., reference and probe) and then combined for identity attack detection. The experimental evaluation conducted over several databases shows a high generalisation capability of the proposed method for detecting unknown attacks in both the digital and physical domains.
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