Vortrag von ATHENE Automotive Security-Experten auf der Embedded World 2021
Gemeinsam mit Don Kuzhiyelil, Project Engineer R & T bei SYSGO, gibt Prof. Christoph Krauß vom Fraunhofer SIT in einem Vortrag auf der Embedded World einen Überblick über eine Sicherheitsarchitektur zum Schutz der sicherheitskritischen Eisenbahninfrastruktur.

Der Vortrag findet am 3. März online von 17:15 -17:45 statt.
Digitization, connectivity, and use of commercial off-the-shelf technologies has reached safety-critical areas such as the Railway sector. This creates new opportunities for attacks and makes it necessary to integrate IT security measures into Railway systems. However, the integration of security mechanisms into a system certified according to the Railway safety standard EN 50128 is a big challenge.
This presentation gives an overview of an IT security architecture, which allows to operate security measures on safety systems such as object controllers. It consists of a hardware platform with a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) 2.0, a MILS (Multiple Independent Levels of Safety and Security) operating system (OS), and various security applications. The TPM serves as security anchor and enables, e.g., secure storage, measured boot, and remote attestation to detect tampering with the system software. The MILS OS ensures freedom of interference when running safety and security applications.
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