
#Pragma Conference 2019
#Pragma Conference is the first international conference in Italy entirely dedicated to iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS Development. It is a great place to meet and connect with experienced developers from all over Europe. In his lecture CRISP researcher Rachid El Khayari talks about App Security Essentials.
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acatech HORIZONTE: Event series Blockchain in Society and National Security
As part of the "Blcockchain in Society and National Security" event series a panel discussion on "Blockchain and Transatlantic Security - Challenges and Opportunities of Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin" will take place. The event is organized by by acatech HORIZONTE and the Bavarian American Academy. Qualified experts in blockchain technology discuss current and future challenges to national security policy in the Western world. Chair of panel discussion is Dr. Haya Shulman at the Fraunhofer SIT.
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CRISP paper on private speech recognition
Several research groups in CRISP are concerned with private speech processing and recognition. Among them are the research group ENCRYPTO at TU Darmstadt headed by Prof. Thomas Schneider and the team led by Prof. Christoph Busch from Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. The researchers from the TU Darmstadt have been able to place four papers at top conferences and journals, two of them were created in cooperation with Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences.
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First "Deutscher KI-Preis" goes to CRISP researcher at the TU Darmstadt
The "Machine Learning Lab", headed by CRISP researcher Prof. Kristian Kersting at the TU Darmstadt, receives the "Deutschen KI-Preis", which was awarded for the first time by the business magazine BILANZ. The prize was awarded at a festive event with around 200 guests from research, business, art and culture as well as the tech and start-up scene in Berlin on 26 September.
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#Digiforum „Quantencomputer – Gefahr für die Cyber-Sicherheit?“
Das nächste #Digiforum schlägt einen Bogen von den generellen Möglichkeiten des Quantencomputing hin zur aktuellen Situation der Post-Quantum-Kryptografie in universitärer Forschung und praktischer Umsetzung. Eine der Vortragenden ist Dr. Juliane Krämer von der TU Darmstadt. Sie spricht über "Aktuelle Herausforderungen der Post-Quantum-Kryptographie (PQC)".
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Building Automation Conference
In his opening keynote at the Building Automation Conference (BAC) Dr. Thorsten Henkel, head of department Industrial Security Solutions at the Fraunhofer SIT, talks about "Enhance your Perspective – IT-Security as an Enabling Factor for the Building Industry". Two parallel conferences are held at the BAC. Thorsten Henkel speaks at the BACnet Cyber Security Conference on September 26.
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Informatik 2019
The 49th GI Annual Conference INFORMATIK 2019 brings together computer scientists from academia, research institutes and industry to discuss current developments, make new contacts and plan joint activities. CRISP researchers Prof. Christoph Krauß and Dr. Juliane Krämer are Co-Chairs in different tracks.
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Successful submissions of CRISP researchers to biometrics conference
Four publications by researchers at the Fraunhofer IGD were accepted at the 10th IEEE International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS). They will present them end of September in Tampas, Floriada. In addition, Dr. Naser Damer, Fraunhofer IGD, is co-organizer of the Special Session „Special Session on Generalizability and Adaptability in Biometrics (GAPinB)“. BTAS is one of the premier global conferences on biometric recognition and includes sensors, image and signal processing, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, and statistics.
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Success for CRISP researchers at Flagship Cybersecurity Conference
Papers of CRISP researchers of the TU Darmstadt has been accepted at the ACM Conference on Computer and Communications, ACM CCS. The ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) is the flagship annual conference of the Special Interest Group on Security, Audit and Control (SIGSAC) of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). In addition, Prof. Marc Fischlin and Prof. Ahamd-Reza Sadeghi, both form the TU Darmstadt, are commitees members of the conference.
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Award for CRISP researcher
CRISP researcher Prof. Thomas Schneider from the TU Darmstadt was awarded an ERC Starting Grant by the European Research Council (ERC). His project „PSOTI“ obtains funding of around 1.5 million euros over a period of five years. This again underlines the high importance of Cybersecurtiy Research in Darmstadt.
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