
The Claude Shannon Fellowship Program offered by TU Darmstadt allows young researchers at ATHENE to found their own research group. This is similar in spirit to the Emmy Noether Program of the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Claude Shannon Fellows are given the opportunity to conduct independent research and to teach, for which they also receive additional funding to hire 1-2 Ph.D. students. Candidates must have completed a Ph.D. or doctorate degree in Computer Science or a related field of study and most demonstrate an outstanding publication record. They must also possess experience in working with the inter­national research community. Ideally, applicants should have held at least one postdoctoral research position at a university other than that from which they obtained their doctorate degree.
The program was named in honor of the US-American mathematician and electrical engineer Claude Shannon (1916-2001), who is known as one of the founders of the digital age and a pioneer in the area of cryptography.

CSF Alumnae / Alumni

The Claude Shannon Fellowship Program offered by TU Darmstadt allows young researchers at ATHENE to found their own research group. This is similar in spirit to the Emmy Noether Program of the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Claude Shannon Fellows are given the opportunity to conduct independent research and to teach, for which they also receive additional funding to hire 1-2 Ph.D. students. Candidates must have completed a Ph.D. or doctorate degree in Computer Science or a related field of study and most demonstrate an outstanding publication record. They must also possess experience in working with the inter­national research community. Ideally, applicants should have held at least one postdoctoral research position at a university other than that from which they obtained their doctorate degree.
The program was named in honor of the US-American mathematician and electrical engineer Claude Shannon (1916-2001), who is known as one of the founders of the digital age and a pioneer in the area of cryptography.

CSF Alumni

Prof. Eric Bodden
Professor of the specialist group software technology at the University of Paderborn und director of the Fraunhofer IEM

Prof. Lucas Davi
Junior professor of computer science at the University Duisburg-Essen

Prof. Michael Pradel
Professor of computer science and leader of the research group Software Lab at the University of Stuttgart

Prof. Thomas Schneider
Professor of computer science and leader of the Cryptography and Privacy Engineering Group at the TU Darmstadt

Prof. Haya Schulmann
Professor of computer science at the Goethe University Frankfurt