Indistinguishability Obfuscation versus Multi-Bit Point Obfuscation with Auxiliary Input
Brzuska, Christina; Mittelbach, Arno
Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2014. 20th International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security. Proceedings., p.142-161
[Conference Proceedings]
Hot-Hardening: Getting More Out of Your Security Settings
Biedermann, Sebastian; Katzenbeisser, Stefan; Szefer, Jakub
Proceedings of the 30th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, p.6-15
[Conference Proceedings]
Security framework — Guidelines for trust services providers — Part 1
Iglesias, Inigo Barreira; Gustavsson, Tomas; Wiesmaier, Alexander; Manso, Clara Galan; Gorniak, Slawomir
Risk assessment — Guidelines for trust services providers — Part 2
Iglesias, Inigo Barreira; Gustavsson, Tomas; Wiesmaier, Alexander; Manso, Clara Galan; Gorniak, Slawomir
Mitigating the impact of security incidents — Guidelines for trust services providers — Part 3
Iglesias, Inigo Barreira; Gustavsson, Tomas; Wiesmaier, Alexander; Manso, Clara Galan; Gorniak, Slawomir
Automatic Protocol Selection in Secure Two-Party Computations
Kerschbaum, Florian; Schneider, Thomas; Schröpfer, Axel
20th Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS'13)
[Conference Proceedings]
Instantiating Treeless Signature Schemes
Weiden, Patrick; Hülsing, Andreas; Cabarcas, Daniel; Buchmann, Johannes
Cryptology ePrint Archive, p.1-18
[Journal Article]
Provably Secure LWE-Encryption with Uniform Secret
Cabarcas, Daniel; Göpfert, Florian; Weiden, Patrick
Cryptology ePrint Archive, p.1-20
[Journal Article]
Poster: Content and Context for Browser Warnings - Achieving Security using Cartoons and Humor
Northrop, Erik; Lipford, Heather Richter; Bartsch, Steffen; Volkamer, Melanie
[Conference Proceedings]
Poster: On the Usability of Secure GUIs
Nas, Aysegül; Filyanov, Atanas; Volkamer, Melanie; Winandy, Marcel
[Conference Proceedings]
The use of linguistics in cryptography and its application to improve the HB protocol
Gutmann, Andreas; Matsuura, Kanta
Computer Security Symposium 2013, p.518-525
[Conference Proceedings]
How to Avoid the Breakdown of Public Key Infrastructures — Forward Secure Signatures for Certificate Authorities
Braun, J.; Hülsing, A.; Wiesmaier, A.; Vigil, M.; Buchmann, J.
9th European PKI Workshop: Research and Applications (EuroPKI 2012), p.53-58
[Conference Proceedings]
On the Security of Encrypted Secret Sharing
Braun, J.; Wiesmaier, A.; Buchmann, J.
46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-46), p.4966-4975
[Conference Proceedings]
Privacy for Smart Metering Ecosystems
Ebinger, P.; Ramos, J. L. Hernández; Kikiras, P.; Lischka, M.; Wiesmaier, A.
First Open EIT ICT Labs Workshop on Smart Grid Security (SmartGridSec12), p.120-131
[Conference Proceedings]
Die Open eCard App für mehr Transparenz, Vertrauen und Benutzerfreundlichkeit beim elektronischen Identitätsnachweis
Horsch, M.; Hühnlein, D.; Breitenstrom, C.; Wieland, T.; Wiesmaier, A.; Biallowons, B.; Petrautzki, D.; Potzernheim, S.; Schmölz, J.; Wesner, A.; Wich, T.
Informationssicherheit stärken — Vertrauen in die Zukunft schaffen. Tagungsband zum 13. Deutschen IT-Sicherheitskongress, p.391-403
[Conference Proceedings]
Multi Domain Information Architecture and Modeling for Smart Grids
Chandra-Sekaran, Ashok-Kumar; Wiesmaier, Alexander; Hessler, Alban
Innovative Smart Grid Technologies —- Asia (ISGT Asia), 2013 IEEE, p.1-6
[Conference Proceedings]
A Comparison of American and German Folk Models of Home Computer Security
Kauer, Michaela; Günther, Sebastian; Storck, Daniel; Volkamer, Melanie
Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy, and Trust - First International Conference, HAS 2013, Held as Part of HCI International 2013, p.100-109
[Conference Proceedings]
Contextualized Web warnings, and how they cause distrust
Bartsch, Steffen; Volkamer, Melanie; Theuerling, Heike; Karayumak, Fatih
Trust and Trustworthy Computing (TRUST 2013), p.205-222
[Conference Proceedings]
Mouse mode of OnScreenDualScribe: Three types of keyboard-driven mouse replacement
Felzer, Torsten; Rinderknecht, Stephan
CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, p.1593-1598
Vertrauenswürdige Smartphones: Technologien und Lösungen
Alkassar, Ammar; Heuser, Stephan; Stüble, Christian
13. Deutscher IT-Sicherheitskongress
[Conference Proceedings]
From big smartphone data to worldwide research: The Mobile Data Challenge
Laurila, Juha; Gatica-Perez, Daniel; Aad, Imad; Blom, Jan; Bornet, Olivier; Do, Trinh Minh Tri; Dousse, Olivier; Eberle, Julien; Miettinen, Markus
Pervasive and Mobile Computing, p.752-771
[Journal Article]
PSiOS: Bring Your Own Privacy & Security to iOS Devices (Distinguished Paper Award)
Werthmann, Tim; Hund, Ralf; Davi, Lucas; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Holz, Thorsten
8th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2013)
[Conference Proceedings]
A User-Centric Digital Signature Scheme
Werlang, Felipe; Vigil, Martín; Custódio, Ricardo Felipe
EuroPKI 2013
[Conference Proceedings]
On the security, privacy and usability of online seals
Tschofenig, Hannes; Volkamer, Melanie; Jentzsch, Nicola; Fischer-Hübner, Simone; Schiffner, Stefan; Tirtea, Rodica
Holistic and Law compatible IT Security Evaluation: Integration of Common Criteria, ISO 27001/IT-Grundschutz and KORA
Simić-Draws, Daniela; Neumann, Stephan; Kahlert, Anna; Richter, Philipp; Grimm, Rüdiger; Volkamer, Melanie; Roßnagel, Alexander
International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP), p.16-35
[Journal Article]
Towards Measuring Resilience in Anonymous Communication Networks
Shirazi, Fatemeh; Diaz, Claudia; Mullan, Ciaran; Wright, Joss; Buchmann, Johannes
HotPETs 2013
[Journal Article]
Sieving for Shortest Vectors in Ideal Lattices
Schneider, Michael
Africa Crypt 2013
[Conference Proceedings]
Developing and Testing a Visual Hash Scheme
Olembo, Maina; Stockhardt, Simon; Hülsing, Andreas; Volkamer, Melanie
European Information Security Multi-Conference (EISMC 2013), p.91-100
[Conference Proceedings]
Cryptanalysis of Hash-based Tamed Transformation and Minus Signature Scheme
Nie, Xuyun; Xu, Zhaohu; Buchmann, Johannes
Fifth International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography - PQCrypto 2013, p.155-164
[Conference Proceedings]
Cryptanalysis of 2-layer Nonlinear Piece In Hand Method
Nie, Xuyun; Petzoldt, Albrecht; Buchmann, Johannes
Second International Workshop on Modern Cryptography and Security Engineering - MoCrySen 2013, p.91-104
[Conference Proceedings]