Verteilte Dienstnutzung mit dem neuen Personalausweis
Horsch, M.; Braun, J.; Wiesmaier, A.; Schaaf, J.; Baumöller, C.
D-A-CH Security 2012, p.186-197
[Conference Proceedings]
The Influence of trustworthiness of website layout on security perception of websites
Kauer, Michaela; Kiesel, Florian; Ueberschaer, Felix; Volkamer, Melanie; Bruder, Ralph
Current Issues in IT Security 2012 Schriftenreihe des Max-Planck-Instituts für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht. Reihe I: Interdisziplinäre Forschungen aus Strafrecht und Kriminologie, p.215-220
The Mobile Data Challenge: Big Data for Mobile Computing Research
Laurila, Juha; Gatica-Perez, Daniel; Aad, Imad; Blom, Jan; Bornet, Olivier; Do, Trinh Minh Tri; Dousse, Olivier; Eberle, Julien; Miettinen, Markus
Proceedings of the Workshop on the Nokia Mobile Data Challenge, in Conjunction with the 10th International Conference on Pervasive Computing
[Conference Proceedings]
PeerSense: Who is near you?
Gupta, Aditi; Miettinen, Markus; Nagy, Marcin; Asokan, Nadarajah; Wetzel, Alexandre
Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops), p.516-518
[Conference Proceedings]
Intuitive Security Policy Configuration in Mobile Devices Using Context Profiling
Gupta, Aditi; Miettinen, Markus; Asokan, N.; Nagy, Marcin
2012 International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT), and 2012 International Confernece on Social Computing (SocialCom), p.471 - 480
[Conference Proceedings]
Security versus Trust Indicators in 2011 in Germany
Volkamer, Melanie; Karayumak, Fatih; Kauer, Michaela; Halim, Dhanish; Bruder, Ralph
Current Issues in IT Security 2012, p.79-96
[Conference Proceedings]
Authenticity, Integrity and Proof-of-Existence for Long-Term Archiving: a Survey
Vigil, Martín Gagliotti; Cabarcas, Daniel; Wiesmaier, Alexander; Buchmann, Johannes
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive
[Journal Article]
Certified Grid Job Submission in the ALICE Grid Services
Schreiner, Steffen; Grigoras, Costin; Litmaath, Maarten; Betev, Latchezar; Buchmann, Johannes
Open Access Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP) 2012
[Journal Article]
The Silence of the LANs: Efficient Leakage Resilience for IPsec VPNs
Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Schulz, Steffen; Varadharajan, Vijay
European Symposium on Research in Computer Science (ESORICS), p.253-270
[Conference Proceedings]
Additively Homomorphic Encryption with a Double Decryption Mechanism, Revisited
Peter, Andreas; Kronberg, M.; Trei, W.; Katzenbeisser, Stefan
International Conference on Information Security (ISC 2012), p.242-257
[Conference Proceedings]
C4PS - Helping Facebookers Manage Their Privacy Settings
Paul, Thomas; Stopczynski, Martin; Puscher, Daniel; Volkamer, Melanie; Strufe, Thorsten
Social Informatics 4th International Conference, SocInfo 2012, proceedings, p.188-201
[Conference Proceedings]
Improving the Performance of the SYND Stream Cipher
Meziani, Mohammed; Hoffmann, Gerhard; Cayrel, Pierre-Louis
AfricaCrypt 2012
[Conference Proceedings]
An Efficient and Secure Coding-based Authenticated Encryption
Meziani, Mohammed; Bansarkhani, Rachid El
7th DPM International Workshop on Data Privacy Management (DPM 2012)
[Conference Proceedings]
The Influence of trustworthiness of website layout on security perception of websites
Kauer, Michaela; Kiesel, Florian; Ueberschaer, Felix; Volkamer, Melanie; Bruder, Ralph
Current Issues in IT Security 2012, p.215-220
[Conference Proceedings]
Das Recht auf Vergessenwerden nach der geplanten EU-Verordnung - Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten im Internet
Kalabis, Lukas; Selzer, Annika
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, p.670--675
[Journal Article]
On the design and implementation of the Open eCard App
Hühnlein, Detlef; Petrautzki, Dirk; Schmölz, Johannes; Wich, Tobias; Horsch, Moritz; Wieland, Thomas; Eichholz, Jan; Wiesmaier, Alexander; Braun, Johannes; Feldmann, Florian; Potzernheim, Simon; Schwenk, Jörg; Kahlo, Christian; Kühne, Andreas; Veit, Heiko
GI SICHERHEIT 2012 Sicherheit - Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit
[Conference Proceedings]
Verteilte Dienstnutzung mit dem neuen Personalausweis
Horsch, Moritz; Braun, Johannes; Wiesmaier, Alexander; Schaaf, Joachim; Baumöller, Claas
D-A-CH Security 2012, 25. - 26. September
[Conference Proceedings]
Integrating Indicators of Trustworthiness into Reputation-Based Trust Models
Hauke, Sascha; Volk, Florian; Habib, Sheikh Mahbub; Mühlhäuser, Max
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Trust Management (IFIPTM 2012)
[Conference Proceedings]
An Efficient Lattice-based Secret Sharing Construction
Bansarkhani, Rachid El; Meziani, Mohammed
WISTP - Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practice 2012
[Conference Proceedings]
Robust Resampling Detection in Digital Images
Cuong, N.; Katzenbeisser, Stefan
Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security (CMS 2012), p.3-15
[Conference Proceedings]
The Transitivity of Trust Problem in the Interaction of Android Applications
Bartsch, Steffen; Sohr, Karsten; Bunke, Michaela; Hofrichter, Oliver; Berger, Bernhard
How Users Bypass Access Control – and Why: The Impact of Authorization Problems on Individuals and the Organization
Bartsch, Steffen; Sasse, Angela
Proceedings of the 21st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2013)
[Conference Proceedings]
Guiding Decisions on Authorization Policies: A Participatory Approach to Decision Support
Bartsch, Steffen; Sasse, Angela
Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, p.1502-1507
[Conference Proceedings]
Shift-Type Homomorphic Encryption and its Application to Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Armknecht, F.; Katzenbeisser, S.; Peter, A.
International Conference on Cryptology in Africa (AFRICACRYPT 2012), p.234-251
[Conference Proceedings]
Sicherheit 2012: Sicherheit, Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit, Beiträge
der 6. Jahrestagung des Fachbereichs Sicherheit der Gesellschaft
für Informatik e.V. (GI), 7.-9. März 2012 in Darmstadt
[Conference Proceedings]
Internet Privacy - Eine multidisziplinäre Bestandsaufnahme - A multidisciplinary analysis
Reverse Fuzzy Extractors: Enabling Lightweight Mutual Authentication for PUF-enabled RFIDs
Herrewege, Anthony van; Katzenbeisser, Stefan; Maes, Roel; Peeters, Roel; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Verbauwhede, Ingrid; Wachsmann, Christian
Financial Cryptography (FC) 2012, p.374-389
[Conference Proceedings]
Softer Smartcards: Usable Cryptographic Tokens with Secure Execution
Schulz, Steffen; Brasser, Ferdinand; Filyanov, Atanas
Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC)
[Conference Proceedings]
Post-Quantum Signaturverfahren Heute
Hülsing, Andreas; Petzoldt, Albrecht; Schneider, Michael; Yousfi Alaoui, Sidi Mohamed el
22. SIT-Smartcard Workshop 2012
[Conference Proceedings]
Technical Aspects of Online Privacy
Ghiglieri, Marco; Simo, Hervais; Waidner, Michael