EarPut: Augmenting Behind-the-Ear Devices for Ear-based Interaction
Lissermann, Roman; Huber, Jochen; Hadjakos, Aristotelis; Mühlhäuser, Max
CHI EA '13: Proceedings of the 2013 ACM annual conference extended abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, p.1323-1328
[Conference Proceedings]
Covert Computation: Hiding Code in Code for Obfuscation Purposes
Kieseberg, Peter; Huber, Markus; Leithner, Manuel; Mulazzani, Martin; Weippl, Edgar
Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGSAC symposium on Information, computer and communications security table of contents, p.529-534
[Conference Proceedings]
Langzeitsichere Signaturen durch den Einsatz hashbasierter Signaturverfahren
Hülsing, Andreas; Braun, Johannes
Informationssicherheit stärken - Vertrauen in die Zukunft schaffen. Tagungsband zum 13. Deutschen IT-Sicherheitskongress, p.565-576
[Conference Proceedings]
Die Open eCard App für mehr Transparenz, Vertrauen und Benutzerfreundlichkeit beim elektronischen Identitätsnachweis
Horsch, Moritz; Hühnlein, Detlef; Breitenstrom, Christian; Wieland, Thomas; Wiesmaier, Alexander; Biallowons, Benedikt; Petrautzki, Dirk; Potzernheim, Simon; Schmölz, Johannes; Wesner, Alexander; Wich, Tobias
Informationssicherheit stärken - Vertrauen in die Zukunft schaffen. Tagungsband zum 13. Deutschen IT-Sicherheitskongress, p.391-403
[Conference Proceedings]
HbbTV - I Know What You Are Watching
Ghiglieri, Marco; Oswald, Florian; Tews, Erik
13. Deutschen IT-Sicherheitskongresses
[Conference Proceedings]
Pseudorandom Signatures
Fleischhacker, N.; Günther, F.; Kiefer, F.; Poettering, B.
>8th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2013), 7-10 May, Hangzhou, China
[Journal Article]
Gadge Me If You Can - Secure and Efficient Ad-hoc Instruction-Level Randomization for x86 and ARM
Davi, Lucas; Dmitrienko, Alexandra; Nürnberger, Stefan; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
8th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2013)
[Conference Proceedings]
Towards a Publicly-Verifiable Mix-Net Providing Everlasting Privacy
Buchmann, Johannes; Demirel, Denise; Graaf, Jeroen van de
Financial Cryptography and Data Security: 17th International Conference, 2013, p.197-204
[Conference Proceedings]
Effiziente Umsetzung des Kettenmodells unter Verwendung vorwärtssicherer Signaturverfahren
Braun, Johannes; Horsch, Moritz; Hülsing, Andreas
Informationssicherheit stärken - Vertrauen in die Zukunft schaffen. Tagungsband zum 13. Deutschen IT-Sicherheitskongress, p.347-359
[Conference Proceedings]
Group Homomorphic Encryption: Characterizations, Impossibility Results, and Applications
Armknecht, F.; Katzenbeisser, S.; Peter, A.
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, p.209-232
[Journal Article]
simFI: From Single to Simultaneous Software Fault Injections
Winter, Stefan; Tretter, Michael; Sattler, Benjamin; Suri, Neeraj
2013 43rd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), p.1-12
[Conference Proceedings]
Adopting the CMU/APWG Anti-Phishing Landing Page idea for Germany
Volkamer, Melanie; Stockhardt, Simon; Bartsch, Steffen; Kauer, Michaela
3rd Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects in Security and Trust (STAST), 2013, p.46-52
[Conference Proceedings]
Timing Attacks against the Syndrome Inversion in Code-Based Cryptosystems
Strenzke, Falko
Fifth International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography - PQCrypto 2013, p.217-230
[Conference Proceedings]
Internet Privacy. Taking opportunities, assessing risks, building trust.
Simo-Fhom, Hervais
>Springer Vieweg; 2013
[Journal Article]
Client-controlled Cryptography-as-a-Service in the Cloud
Bleikertz, Sören; Bugiel, Sven; Ideler, Hugo; Nürnberger, Stefan; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
11th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS 2013)
[Conference Proceedings]
Internet Privacy: Options for adequate realization
Assessing Trust in the Long-Term Protection of Documents
Vigil, Martín; Cabarcas, Daniel; Huang, Jingwei; Buchmann, Johannes
18th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (IEEE ISCC 2013), p.185-191
[Conference Proceedings]
Mental Models of Verifiability in Voting
Olembo, Maina; Bartsch, Steffen; Volkamer, Melanie
4th International Conference on e-Voting and Identity (VoteID13), p.142 - 155
[Conference Proceedings]
Towards a Practical Mobile Application for Election Authorities (Demo)
Neumann, Stephan; Kulyk, Oksana; Murati, Lulzim; Volkamer, Melanie
4th International Conference on e-Voting and Identity (VoteID13)
[Conference Proceedings]
A Trust-aware Framework for Evaluating Security Controls of Service Providers in Cloud Marketplaces
Habib, Sheikh Mahbub; Varadharajan, Vijay; Mühlhäuser, Max
Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom), 2013 12th IEEE International Conference on, p.459-468
[Conference Proceedings]
Pretty Understandable Democracy - A Secure and Understandable Internet Voting Scheme
Budurushi, Jurlind; Neumann, Stephan; Olembo, Maina; Volkamer, Melanie
8th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (AReS 2013), p.198-207
[Conference Proceedings]
Vote Casting in Any Preferred Constituency: A New Voting Channel
Budurushi, Jurlind; Henning, Maria; Volkamer, Melanie
4th International Conference on e-Voting and Identity (VoteID13), p.61-75
[Conference Proceedings]
Machbarkeitsanalyse der UniWahl4 Software für Wahlen an der TU Darmstadt
Braun, Kristoffer; Budurushi, Jurlind; Volkamer, Melanie
INF13 - Workshop: Elektronische Wahlen: Ich sehe was, das Du nicht siehst - öffentliche und geheime Wahl, p.752 - 766
[Conference Proceedings]
Towards a Practical Cryptographic Voting Scheme Based on Malleable Proofs
Bernhard, David; Neumann, Stephan; Volkamer, Melanie
4th International Conference on e-Voting and Identity (VoteID13), p.176 - 192
[Conference Proceedings]
The Transitivity-of-Trust Problem in Android Application Interaction
Bartsch, Steffen; Berger, Bernhard; Bunke, Michaela; Sohr, Karsten
8th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2013), p.291 - 296
[Conference Proceedings]
How to enable Live Cloning of Virtual Machines using the Xen Hypervisor
Tews, Erik
Just-In-Time Code Reuse: the More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same
Snow, Kevin; Davi, Lucas; Dmitrienko, Alexandra; Liebchen, Christopher; Monrose, Fabian; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
BlackHat USA
[Conference Proceedings]
On the Effectiveness of the Remanence Decay Side-Channel to Clone Memory-based PUFs
Oren, Yossef; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Wachsmann, Christian
Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES), p.107-125
[Conference Proceedings]
Effective Inter-Component Communication Mapping in Android: An Essential Step Towards Holistic Security Analysis
Octeau, Damien; McDaniel, Patrick; Jha, Somesh; Bartel, Alexandre; Bodden, Eric; Klein, Jacques; Le Traon, Yves
Proceedings of the 22nd USENIX Conference on Security, p.543-558
[Conference Proceedings]
ConXsense – Context Sensing for Adaptive Usable Access Control
Miettinen, Markus; Heuser, Stephan; Kronz, Wiebke; Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza; Asokan, N.