

CapGlasses: Untethered Capacitive Sensing with Smart Glasses
Matthies, Denys J.C.; Weerasinghe, Chamod; Urban, Bodo; Nanayakkara, Suranga
Augmented Humans Conference (AHs) 2021
[Conference Paper]

Automatic Model-based 3-D Reconstruction of the Teeth from five Photographs with Predefined Viewing Directions
Wirtz, Andreas; Jung, Florian; Noll, Matthias; Wang, Anqi; Wesarg, Stefan
Conference "Medical Imaging - Image Processing" 2021
[Conference Paper]

GPU-Parallel Constant-Time Limit Evaluation of Catmull-Clark Solids
Besler, Sebastian; Altenhofen, Christian; Stork, Andre; Fellner, Dieter
International Symposium on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV) 2021
[Conference Paper]

Interacting with FEM Simulated Tubes in AR
Olbrich, Manuel; Weber, Daniel; Franek, Andreas
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International) 2021
[Conference Paper]

Generalization of Fitness Exercise Recognition from Doppler Measurements by Domain-Adaption and Few-Shot Learning
Fu, Biying; Damer, Naser; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan
International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) 2021
[Conference Paper]

MFR 2021: Masked Face Recognition Competition
Boutros, Fadi; Damer, Naser; Kolf, Jan Niklas; Raja, Kiran; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Ramachandra, Raghavendra; Kuijper, Arjan; Fang, Pengcheng; Zhang, Chao; Wang, Fei; Montero, David; Aginako, Naiara; Sierra, Basilio; Nieto, Marcos; Erakin, Mustafa Ekrem; Demir, Ugur; Ekenel, Hazim Kemal; Kataoka, Asaki; Ichikawa, Kohei; Kubo, Shizuma; Zhang, Jie; He, Mingjie; Han, Dan; Shan, Shiguang; Grm, Klemen; Struc, Vitomir; Seneviratne, Sachith; Kasthuriarachchi, Nuran; Rasnayaka, Sanka; Neto, Pedro C.; Sequeira, Ana F.; Pinto, Joao Ribeiro; Saffari, Mohsen; Cardoso, Jaime S.
International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB) 2021
[Conference Paper]

Automatic Segmentation of the Structures in the Nasal Cavity and the Ethmoidal Sinus for the Quantification of Nasal Septal Deviations
Oyarzun Laura, Cristina; Hartwig, Katrin; Distergoft, Alexander; Hoffmann, Tim; Scheckenbach, Kathrin; Brüsseler, Melanie; Wesarg, Stefan
Conference "Medical Imaging - Computer-Aided Diagnosis" 2021
[Conference Paper]

CareCam: Concept of a New Tool for Corporate Health Management
Kraft, Dimitri; Laerhoven, Kristof van; Bieber, Gerald
International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA) 2021
[Conference Paper]

Partial Attack Supervision and Regional Weighted Inference for Masked Face Presentation Attack Detection
Fang, Meiling; Boutros, Fadi; Kuijper, Arjan; Damer, Naser
International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG) 2021
[Conference Paper]

ReGenMorph: Visibly Realistic GAN Generated Face Morphing Attacks by Attack Re-generation
Damer, Naser; Raja, Kiran; Süßmilch, Marius; Venkatesh, Sushma; Boutros, Fadi; Fang, Meiling; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Ramachandra, Raghavendra; Kuijper, Arjan
International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC) 2021
[Conference Paper]

MixFaceNets: Extremely Efficient Face Recognition Networks
Boutros, Fadi; Damer, Naser; Fang, Meiling; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan
International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB) 2021
[Conference Paper]

Mask-invariant Face Recognition through Template-level Knowledge Distillation
Huber, Marco; Boutros, Fadi; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Damer, Naser
International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG) 2021
[Conference Paper]

Barcode-based Navigation Concept for Autonomous Wheelchairs and Walking Frames
Bieber, Gerald; Antony, Niklas; Kraft, Dimitri; Hölle, Bernd; Blenke, Dennis; Herrmann, Peter
International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA) 2021
[Conference Paper]

A Novel Approach to IP ID Classification
Zhao, Shujie; Schulman, Haya
Kryptotag 2021
[Conference Paper]

Machine-Learning Side-Channel Attacks on the GALACTICS Constant-Time Implementation of BLISS
Marzougui, Soundes; Wisiol, Nils; Gersch, Patrick; Krämer, Juliane; Seifert, Jean-Pierre

Privacy Policies of Mobile Apps - A Usability Study
Anikeev, Maxim; Shulman, Haya; Simo, Hervais
Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) 2021
[Conference Paper]

Technische Herausforderungen bei der Umsetzung von Uploadfiltern
Steinebach, Martin
Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI Jahrestagung) 2021
[Conference Paper]

Predictive Cipher-Suite Negotiation for Boosting Deployment of New Ciphers
Heftrig, Elias; Seifert, Jean-Pierre; Shulman, Haya; Waidner, Michael; Wisiol, Nils
Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2021
[Conference Paper]

Streaming SPHINCS+ for Embedded Devices using the Example of TPMs
Niederhagen, Ruben; Roth, Johannes; Wälde, Julian

The hijackers guide to the galaxy: Off-path taking over internet resources
Dai, Tianxiang; Jeitner, Philipp; Shulman, Haya; Waidner, Michael
USENIX Security Symposium 2021
[Conference Paper]

Automated, Dynamic Android App Vulnerability and Privacy Leak Analysis: Design Considerations, Required Components and Available Tools
Heid, Kris; Heider, Jens
European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference (EICC) 2021
[Conference Paper]

Chances and Limitations of Personal and Anonymized Data Processing
Selzer, Annika; Timm, Ingo J.
Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI Jahrestagung) 2021
[Conference Paper]

From IP to transport and beyond: Cross-layer attacks against applications
Dai, Tianxiang; Jeitner, Philipp; Shulman. Haya; Waidner, Michael
Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Data Communication (ACM SIGCOMM Conference) 2021
[Conference Paper]

Automatic extraction of secrets from the transistor jungle using laser-assisted side-channel attacks
Krachenfels, T.; Kiyan, T.; Tajik, S.; Seifert, J.-P.
USENIX Security Symposium 2021
[Conference Paper]

Discovery of Single-Vendor Marketplace Operators in the Tor-Network
Brenner, Fabian; Platzer, Florian; Steinebach, Martin
International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES) 2021
[Conference Paper]

POSNoise: An Effective Countermeasure Against Topic Biases in Authorship Analysis
Halvani, Oren; Graner, Lukas
International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES) 2021
[Conference Paper]

Risiken für die Privatheit aufgrund von Maschinellem Lernen
Battis, Anna-Verena; Graner, Lukas
Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI Jahrestagung) 2020
[Conference Paper]

"I Never Thought about Securing my Machine Learning Systems": A Study of Security and Privacy Awareness of Machine Learning Practitioners
Boenisch, Franziska; Battis, Verena; Buchmann, Nicolas; Poikela, Maija
Konferenz "Mensch und Computer" (MuC) 2021
[Conference Paper]

Remote WebAuthn: FIDO2 Authentication for Less Accessible Devices
Wagner, Paul; Heid, Kris; Heider, Jens
International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP) 2021
[Conference Paper]

One Glitch to Rule Them All: Fault Injection Attacks Against AMD's, Secure Encrypted Virtualization
Buhren, Robert; Jacob, Hans Niklas; Krachenfels, Thilo; Seifert, Jean-Pierre
Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) 2021
[Conference Paper]