
5. Workshop Human-Machine Interaction in Security-Critical Systems


CRISP-researchers are members of the program committee

Prof. Christian Reuter, CYSEC [at] TU Darmtadt , is on of the organizers of the  5. workshop "Human-Machine Interaction in Security-Critical Systems". The workshop is hosted by the expert group „Human-Machine Interaction in Security-Critical Systems“ of the department for Human-Computer-Interaction (MCI), Society of Informatics (GI). The focus of the workshop is the awareness of human-computer interactions in the area of security critical systems. 

The call for papers ends 11.6.2018 (papers in the extent of 4-8 pages, accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings of Human and Computers in the digital library of the department MCI of GI).The workshop takes place 3. September in the course of Human and Computers 2018 in Dresden, Germany.

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