Closing Event of the Funkkolleg "Security"
CRISP Researcher Prof. Buxmann makes an Assessment
Prof. Peter Buxmann, CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt, held the welcoming address at the closing event "Sicherheit und Cybercrime" of the Funkkolleg "Security" from hr-iNFO. Prof. Buxmann states that "unrealistischer Optimismus" prevents the necessary investments for IT security, with companies and also with citizens.
Das Funkkolleg Sicherheit
In Kooperation with the TU Darmstadt hr-iNFO has developed the Funkkolleg "Sicherheit", in which a 25 part radioseries was always broadcasted on mondays from November 2016 until Mai 2017. In the broadcastings subjective fears and objective hazards were analysed. Der listener received insights in the current security research which is organized interdisciplinary, as well as aspects from politics, technology and psychology which are linked. Scientifically accompanied by Prof. Peter Buxmann, specialist area Wirtschaftsinformatik and head of the Gründungszentrums HIGHEST (Home of Innovation, Growth, Entrepreneurship & Technology Management) at the TU Darmstadt. In addition to the broadcastings the TU Darmstadt held ready a studying offering with additional material, cross-links and thought-provoking impulses. These offers were supported by the Hessischen Kultusministerium. All broadcasts as Podcast and additional material can be accessed via
More Information about the Closing Event of the hr-INFO Funkkolleg Sicherheit
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