CRISP at the Hessentag
Darmstadts Research in Cybersecurity to touch and try out at the community stand of Hessian universities "Hessen schafft Wissen".
On the first four days of the Hessentag the reasearchers from Darmstadt will answer questions and will visually illustrate the state of research with demonstrations and exhibits.
In detail there is the following to see:
Friday, 9th of June
Peoples encryption
Together with Deutsche Telekom the Fraunhofer SIT has established the peoples encryption. Windows users can make their computers ready for encoding with a few clicks. Visitors at the Hessentag can inform themselves about the advantages of the peoples encryption and can register on site. Herefore, a valid form of identification is necessary. (Personalausweis / Reisepass).
Saturday, 10th of June
Visual Analysis of Global Internet Routings
Researchers of the Fraunhofer IGD demonstrate the visualisation of critical internet knods in order to detect and avoid the attacks on the infrastructure in Hessia early.
Sunday, 11th of June
NFCGate – Security Tests with Smartphones
Near Field Communication (NFC) is a radio technology for the wireless transfer of data. It is used in security critical applications like locking systems. NFC Gate, developed by researchers of the TU Darmstadt enables security tests of NFC Systems with smartphones, which used to only be possible with expensive hardware – a big advantage for producers and users.
IUNO -The National Reference project for Industrial IT Security 4.0
With a serious game the contents of the national reference projects IUNO is playfully mediated to the visitors. Monday, 12th of June The Attack Security of Biometrical systeme The Fraunhofer IGD demonstrates bypassing trials for facial recognition systems. Visitors can try to bypass systems with printed images or videos on a tablet. The researchers will present methods for recognizing such bypassing trials.
In addition, Prof. Matthias Hollick, CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt, will present a lecture on the subject "Heimlich getrunken und öffentlich besoffen: Über Sicherheit und Privatheit in einer digitalisierten Welt" on Monday, June 12th 11:30 am on the stage of the joint stand "Hessen schafft Wissen".
The ommunity stand of Hessian universities joint stand "Hessen schafft Wissen" is located in the parking lot of the Opel Training Center (M100).
Information about the Hessentag
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