IRSE Presidential Programme Technical Meeting
Prof. Katzenbeisser talks about “Challenges in Designing Secure and Resilient Railway Command and Control Systems"
The fifth Presidential Programme Technical Meeting for 2018-19 of the Institution of Railway Signaling Engineers (IRSE) comprises two talks, both exploring Cybersecurity in Railway Signalling. CRISP researcher Prof. Stefan Katzenbeisser, TU Darmstadt, talks about “Challenges in Designing Secure and Resilient Railway Command and Control Systems”.

Furthermore Max Schubert, DB Netz AG talks about “The Balancing Act of Implementing Cyber Security”. The event take place on February 7th from 17:00 - 19:00 at TU Darmstadt. The talks start at 18:00 and will be preceded by a welcome reception (17:00).
These meetings provide an excellent op¬portunity for networking supporting your professional develop-ment. Non-IRSE-members are very welcome.
To attend please register at
This event is kindly co-organised with the profile area Cyberssecurity of TU Darmstadt
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