Prof. Christian Reuter will Co-Chair a track for this renowned Conference
The 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) will offer an internatinal forum for scientists and users to discuss compositon, development and usage of information systems that are aimed to improve on coping mechanisms for crisis and disaster situations. The conference will offer different tracks, which will present different focal points of the topic. Prof. Christian Reuter, CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt, is co-chair of the track "Social Media in Crisis and Conflicts".

The keyworks of this track show how social media can be employed to manage crisis. Research which must include a thorough description or validation of the design or the actual advantage of social media in every phase of crisis management can be admitted till 1st of December 2018 (completed research) or 7th of January 2019 (work in progress)
ISCRAM 2019 will take place from 19. to 22. Mai 2019 in Valencia, Spain.
Information about ISCRAM 2019 and for the track "Social Media in Crisis and Conflicts"