
HIPA enters the next round

HIPA is the Hessian-Israeli Partnership Accelerator for Cybersecurity. HIPA is addressing top cybersecurity talents of computer science and engineering from Israel and Germany. German and Israeli participants jointly work on cutting edge cybersecurity challenges focussing on network technologies, internet infrastructure security, software security and other hot topics. We’re looking for the best IT talents who want to become cybersecurity innovators and develop technology for new business ideas.

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Dual-Use: IT Research of Concern

CRISP scientist Prof. Christian Reuter, head of the Department of Science and Technology for Peace and Security, launches the project Dual-Use: IT-Research of Concern together with Prof. Alfred Nordmann, Professor of Philosophy of Science and Technological Sciences.

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Webmonday in Darmstadt

The seventh Webmonday takes place, this time on a Tuesday - what a #fail! But this is also the motto of the evening fixed - because it's about bugs, errors and 4.04s - and questions such as: How much culture of mistakes needs corporate culture? Are errors the better mistakes? Is failure really part of the business? Who is liable for driving errors of autonomously driving cars? In their speech "Error with System?" Dr. Michael Kreutzer and Stephan Huber, both Fraunhofer SIT, provide insights into their research: They look for vulnerabilities in software, apps and codes. If they have found them, they alert the manufacturers.

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IV. Frank-Schirrmacher-Forum

Christian Reuter, CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt, is speaking at the IV. Frank Schirrmacher Forum on November 13, 2018 about „Mensch-Computer-Interaktion in sicherheitskritischen Systemen – eine ethische Bewertung“ (Human-computer interaction in safety-critical systems - an ethical evaluation). This time the centre of this series of events, which is organized by the Protestant City Academy Darmstadt, is the question of the human in the age of digitality.

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Digitaler Salon: LANgelegt!!!

Dr. Haya Shulman, Fraunhofer SIT, attends the event  "Digital Salon: LANgelegt", organized by the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG). She discusses how secure our data networks are against the blackout and which alternative infrastructures exist. Interested personss can communicate their opinions before, during and after the program directly on the web or via social media.

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Faculty day Informatics: Best Master Thesis 2018 goes to a student of Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences

Benedikt-Alexander Mokroß, a student at University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, is honored by the faculty day of informatics (FBTI) in 2018 for the best masterthesis. He completed his masterthesis on "Efficient biometric identification in large-scale Palmvein databases" in the da/sec working group of the department of informatics. Supervisors were the CRISP scientists Prof. Christoph Busch and Pawel Drozdowski and Prof. Christoph Wentzel. The award ceremony took place on 08.10.2018 as part of the annual meeting of the FBTI in Wernigerode.

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CRISP is being upgraded to a "National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity"

On the margins of Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel's visit to TU Darmstadt, Hessian Prime Minister Volker Bouffier and Hessian Minister of Science Boris Rhein announced that CRISP will be expanded into a "National Research Center for Applied Cybersecurity". Starting from 12.4 million euros in 2019, the funding will gradually increase to a mid- range double-digit million contribution. Founding director will be Professor Michael Waidner, Professor at the TU Darmstadt and Director of the Fraunhofer SIT.

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Houses of Dialog: The energy world is becoming digital

How does digitisation challenge the energy world and what solutions are there? How can new IT applications be used intelligently for future-proof business models? How can the highest level of IT security be guaranteed in a pragmatic way? These questions are discussed by House of IT and House of Energy together in an exclusive circle of 30 invited experts and key stakeholders from the energy and IT industry. Andreas Fuchs, Fraunhofer SIT, sheds light on necessities, challenges, and perspectives of IT security in the energy world.

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3 Tips for Founders

Teamwork is one of the keywords of the modern working world. The German Startup Monitor shows that three out of four startups are formed in a team (DSM 2017). As a result, a number of successful start-ups have been launched as a team, which are now well-known companies from Silicon Valley.

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Start-up of the month

Often, the worst security gap in companies are their own employees. A single click on a compromised e-mail link allows employees to paralyze the entire IT infrastructure. This means, well-trained employees are a key component in the IT security strategy of every company. IT-Seal focuses on this problem and individually trains employees with spear phishing emails and other social engineering simulations. The young technology company carries out simulations of hacker attacks and sends out fake advertising emails and payment requests. If an employee clicks on the link, they will be sensitized directly on an interactive explanatory page about the handling of e-mails of this kind in order to prevent dangers like it in the future.

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