

Unsupervised Face Morphing Attack Detection via Self-paced Anomaly Detection
Fang, Meiling; Boutros, Fadi; Damer, Naser
International Joint Conference on Biometrics 2022
[Conference Paper]

Towards Explaining Demographic Bias through the Eyes of Face Recognition Models
Fu, Biying; Damer, Naser
International Joint Conference on Biometrics 2022
[Conference Paper]

Passive Electric Field Sensing for Ubiquitous and Environmental Perception
Wilmsdorff, Julian von

SFace: Privacy-friendly and Accurate Face Recognition using Synthetic Data
Boutros, Fadi; Huber, Marco; Siebke, Patrick; Rieber, Tim Jannik; Damer, Naser
International Joint Conference on Biometrics 2022
[Conference Paper]

3D Hexglyph Maps: An Immersive Analytics Technique Combining Hexbin Maps with Space-Time Cubes for Visualizing eSports Data
Horst, Robin; Wehenkel, Lukas; Dörner, Ralf
Games, Entertainment, Media Conference 2022
[Conference Paper]

PatchSwap: Boosting the Generalizability of Face Presentation Attack Detection by Identity-aware Patch Swapping
Fang, Meiling; Hamza, Ali; Kuijper, Arjan; Damer, Naser
International Joint Conference on Biometrics 2022
[Conference Paper]

An Assistance System Framework for Virtual Reality Self-Service E-Learning Kiosks
Horst, Robin; Naraghi-Taghi-Off, Ramtin; Dörner, Ralf
Games, Entertainment, Media Conference 2022
[Conference Paper]

Design Aspects of Dynamic Label Placement in Interactive 3D Information-Rich Virtual Environments Using Meta-Heuristics: Grey Wolf Optimizer and Simulated Annealing
Horst, Robin; Jašica, Yannick; Dörner, Ralf
Games, Entertainment, Media Conference 2022
[Conference Paper]

CareCam: Towards user-tailored Interventions at the Workplace using a Webcam
Kraft, Dimitri; Schmidt, A.; Büttner, Lea; Oschinsky, Frederike Marie; Lambusch, F.; Laerhoven, K. von; Bieber, Gerald; Fellmann, M.
International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments 2022
[Conference Paper]

Supporting Domain Characterization in Visualization Design Studies with the Critical Decision Method
Cibulski, Lena; Dimara, Evanthia; Hermawati, Setia; Kohlhammer, Jörn
Workshop on Visualization Guidelines in Research, Design, and Education 2022
[Conference Paper]

Visual Computing Insights

Low-resolution Iris Recognition via Knowledge Transfer
Boutros, Fadi; Kähm, Olga; Fang, Meiling; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Damer, Naser; Kuijper, Arjan
Gesellschaft für Informatik, Special Interest Group on Biometrics (BIOSIG International Conference) 2022
[Conference Paper]

Exploring Bias in Sclera Segmentation Models: A Group Evaluation Approach
Vitek, Matej; Das, Abhijit; Lucio, Diego Rafael; Zanlorensi , Luiz Antonio; Menotti, David; Shahpar, Mohsen Akbari; Khiarak, Jalil Nourmohammadi; Asgari-Chenaghlu, Meysam; Jaryani, Farhang; Valenzuela, Andres; Tapia, Juan E.; Wang, Caiyong; Raja, Kiran; Wang, Yunlong; Kumar, S.V. Aruna; Boutros, Fadi; Damer, Naser; He, Zhaofeng; Kuijper, Arjan; Grebe, Jonas Henry; Harish, B. S.; Pal, Umapada; Peer, Peter; Zampoukis, Georgios; Tsochatzidis, Lazaros; Pratikakis, Ioannis; Gupta, Gourav; Struc, Vitomir; Sun, Zhenan
[Journal Article]

Physics-driven Digital Twin for Laser Powder Bed Fusion on GPUs
Ferreira, Stephanie; Klein, Benjamin; Stork, Andre; Fellner, Dieter
European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering 2022
[Conference Paper]

Automated Classification of Crests on Pottery Sherds Using Pattern Recognition on 2D Images
Ritz, Martin; Santos, Pedro; Fellner, Dieter
Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage 2022
[Conference Paper]

Fast harmonic tetrahedral mesh optimization
Ströter, D.; Mueller-Roemer, Johannes Sebastian; Weber, Daniel; Fellner, Dieter
[Journal Article]

Interactive Visualization of Machine Learning Model Results Predicting Infection Risk
Schäfer, Steffen; Baumgartl, Tom; Wulff, A.; Kuijper, Arjan; Marschollek, M.; Scheithauer, S.; Landesberger, Tatiana von
Eurographics Conference on Visualization 2022
[Conference Paper]

A Structure from Motion Pipeline for Orthographic Multi-View Images
Neumann, Kai; Hoffmann, Philipp P.; Buelow, Max von; Knauthe, Volker; Wirth, Tristan; Kontermann, Christian; Kuijper, Arjan; Guthe, Stefan; Fellner, Dieter
International Conference on Image Processing 2022
[Conference Paper]

Comparison of CNN-based segmentation models for forest type classification
Kocon, Kevin; Krämer, Michel; Würz, Hendrik Martin
Conference on Geographic Information Science 2022
[Conference Paper]

Profiling and Visualizing GPU Memory Access and Cache Behavior of Ray Tracers
Buelow, Max von; Riemann, Kai; Guthe, Stefan; Fellner, Dieter
Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization 2022
[Conference Paper]

Utility-based performance evaluation of biometric sample quality assessment algorithms
Henniger, Olaf; Fu, Biying; Chen, Cong
Gesellschaft für Informatik, Special Interest Group on Biometrics (BIOSIG International Conference) 2022
[Conference Paper]

Beyond Masks: On the Generalization of Masked Face Recognition Models to Occluded Face Recognition
Neto, Pedro C.; Pinto, Joao Ribeiro; Boutros, Fadi; Damer, Naser; Sequeira, Ana F.; Cardoso, Jaime S.
[Journal Article]

Sensorische Stresserfassung am Arbeitsplatz
Kraft, Dimitri; Bieber, Gerald
[Journal Article]

Verification of Sitter Identity Across Historical Portrait Paintings by Confidence-aware Face Recognition
Huber, Marco; Terhörst, Philipp; Luu, Anh Thi; Damer, Naser; Kirchbuchner, Florian
International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2022
[Conference Paper]

A Survey of 6D Object Detection Based on 3D Models for Industrial Applications
Gorschlüter, Felix; Rojtberg, Pavel; Pöllabauer, Thomas Jürgen
[Journal Article]

Privacy-friendly Synthetic Data for the Development of Face Morphing Attack Detectors
Damer, Naser; López, César Augusto Fontanillo; Fang, Meiling; Spiller, Noemie; Pham, Minh Vu; Boutros, Fadi

High-performance Adaptive Texture Streaming and Rendering of Large 3D Cities
Zhang, Alex; Chen, Kan; Johan, Henry; Erdt, Marius
[Journal Article]

Real-time indexing of point cloud data during LiDAR capture
Bormann, Pascal; Dorra, Tobias; Stahl, Bastian; Fellner, Dieter
Computer Graphics & Visual Computing 2022
[Conference Paper]

Visual Firewall Log Analysis - At the Border Between Analytical and Appealing
Schufrin, Marija; Lücke-Tieke, Hendrik; Kohlhammer, Jörn
Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security 2022
[Conference Paper]

Learnable Multi-level Frequency Decomposition and Hierarchical Attention Mechanism for Generalized Face Presentation Attack Detection
Fang, Meiling; Damer, Naser; Kirchbuchner, Florian; Kuijper, Arjan
Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) 2022
[Conference Paper]