02.06.2022 | David Hay, Hebrew Univesity of Jerusalem, Israel

Prof. Dr. David Hay is the chair of the Federmann Cybersecurity Research Center in the Rachel and Selim Benin School of Computer Science and Engineering, and a co-director of the Fraunhofer Project Center for Cybersecurity at the Hebrew Univesity of Jerusalem, Israel. He received his B.A. (summa cum laude) and PhD degrees in computer science from the Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, in 2001 and 2007, respectively. In addition, he was with IBM Haifa Research Labs, Haifa, Israel; Cisco Systems, San Jose, CA, USA; the Electronic Department, Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy; and the Electrical Engineering Department with Columbia University, New York, NY, USA. In 2010, he co-founded (with Prof. Brembler-Barr) the DEEPNESS lab, focusing on deep packet inspection in next-generation network devices. He has served as a technical program committee member of numerous networking conferences, and since 2018 serves as an editor of ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking. His research interests are in computer networks—in particular, network algorithmics, packet classification, deep packet inspection, network survivability and resilience, software-defined networking, network-function virtualization, and various aspects of network security.
Network-Level IoT Security
Computer networks have undergone and continue to experience a significant transformation, whereby billions of low-cost devices are being connected to the network to provide additional functionality and better user experience. Unlike traditional network devices, these devices, collectively known as the ``Internet of Things'' (IoT), typically have very limited computational, memory, and power resources. These IoT devices became a major security concern, both due to human factors and technical challenges in deploying security mechanisms on devices with low resources. The number and diversity of IoT devices create a huge attack surface that is often exploited by attackers to launch large-scale attacks, sometimes using well-known vulnerabilities.
This talk will highlight the security concerns of IoT devices from a networking perspective and explore how to secure IoT devices using allowlists, in which communication between a device and an endpoint is prohibited unless that endpoint appears in the corresponding allowlist.
We will show how to obtain and maintain these allowlists in different settings. Finally, we will discuss deployment options for such a solution (namely, within the internet gateway, as a virtual network function within the ISP network, or a combination of the two).