

The annual DEF CON is one of the largest events for hackers worldwide. This year, CRISP researchers Stephan Huber and Philipp Roskosch at the Fraunhofer SIT will give a talk with the topic: "I'm on your phone, listening - Attacking VoIP Configuration Interfaces".

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Hessens Wissenschaftsministerin überzeugt sich von Cybersicherheit made in Darmstadt

Hessens Wissenschaftsministerin Angela Dorn hat sich am Dienstag ein Bild von der Darmstädter Cyber­sicher­heits­forschung am Fraunhofer-Institut für Sichere Informations­technologie SIT gemacht. Ministerin Dorn überzeugte sich von den Fortschritten in der IT-Sicherheit und betonte die große Bedeutung der Forschung in diesem Bereich für die Digitalisierung in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft.

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Innovations for more Cyber Security

The second round of the Hessian-Israeli Partnership Accelerator (HIPA) was concluded with a final event on the panorama floor of the Commerzbank headquarters in Frankfurt/Main. Three German-Israeli teams presented their research results to around 80 guests from international politics and the financial and cyber security sectors, including Sandra Simovich, Consul General of the State of Israel, Dr. Stefan Heck, State Secretary in the Hessian Ministry of the Interior, and Jörg Hessenmüller, COO and member of the Board of Managing Directors of Commerzbank AG.

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LOEWE Center "emergenCITY" approved at the TU Darmstadt

As part of the Hessian research funding program LOEWE,  TU Darmstadt can establish the new center "emergenCITY" ("The Emergency Responsive Digital City"). It  will be funded by the end of 2023 with a total of 17.4 million euros.

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Journal Behaviour & Information Technology (BIT)

Prof. Christian Reuter, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Prof. Stefan Stieglitz, University of Duisburg-Essen, and Dr. Muhammad Imran, Qatar Computing Research Institute, published a special issue in Behaviour & Information Technology (BIT) – an international journal on the human aspects of computing. This journal is ranked as „A“ according to CORE Ranking.

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A paper of the ENCRYPTO group at the TU Darmstadt and scientists at EURECOM and Omilia – Conversational Intelligence has been accepted at 20th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association INTERSPEECH 2019.

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Unobserved view over the shoulder

Employees of the Secure Mobile Networking Labs, led by CRISP researcher Prof. Matthias Hollick at the TU Darmstadt, have developed a system that reveals the invisible tracking methods in newsletters and exposes the third-party providers used by the companies.

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Kristina Hostáková, a member of the working group "Applied Cryptography" led by CRISP researcher Prof. Sebastian Faust, publishes paper at CRYPTO 2019.

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50 Years Computer Science

Fifty years ago, TU Dresden, TU Darmstadt, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Munich Technical University and Saarbrücken University established the first university computer science study courses nationwide. The five universities celebrate the feast day together to form a half-century of computer science education: the local festival programs broadcast individual program points from the other locations via live streaming. In Darmstadt, CRISP-CEO Prof. Michael Waidner will talk about “IT-Sicherheit von Anfang an mitdenken – die Bedeutung der IT-Sicherheit im Informatikstudium“.

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Remote-controlled curiosity in the apartment

CRISP researchers at the Department of Computer Science of the TU Darmstadt have found a weak spot in the software of robot vacuum cleaners. The discovered vulnerability allows attackers to remotely access the device and, among other things, retrieve the floor plan of the apartment.

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