
Successful submissions from CRISP researchers to specialist conference
CRISP researchers presented several papers at the International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2019. The Conference brings together researchers and practitioners in the area of dependability since 2006. ARES highlights the various aspects of security – with special focus on the crucial linkage between availability, reliability and security. ARES aims at a full and detailed discussion of the research issues of security as an integrative concept that covers amongst others availability, safety, confidentiality, integrity, maintainability and security in the different fields of applications.
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CRISP researchersp resent paper at International Conference on Theory and Applications of Cryptology and Information Security
A paper of CRISP researchers at the TU Darmstadt has been accepted at the Annual International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security, Asiacrypt. The researchers will present it at this year's conference in Kobe, Japan.
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Danger over the phone
Hackers can access sensitive data and services also via telephone devices: Most companies use VoIP telephones that are integrated into the company network. Security researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology have found a total of 40 partly serious vulnerabilities in these VoIP telephones. Attackers can misuse these gaps to intercept calls, deactivate the telephone or gain further access to the company network via weak points in the device. The VoIP telephones producers have by now closed these vulnerabilities. Users are strongly recommended to install the appropriate updates of the device’s firmware.
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CRISP researchers place paper at leading Symposium for Software Testing and Analysis
A paper of CRISP researchers at the TU Darmstadt has been accepted at the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, ISSTA. The researchers will present it at this year's conference in Beijing, China.
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Fraunhofer CyberStar Award
The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft has launched the Fraunhofer CyberStar Award, which honors excellent achievements by Israeli graduates in the field of applied cybersecurity.
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44CON is an Information Security Conference & Training event taking place in London. Designed to provide something for the business and technical Information Security professional. CRISP researchers Stephan Huber und Philipp Roskosch at the Fraunhofer SIT talk about "Dial V for Vulnerable: Attacking VoIP Phones".
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New funding for innovative ideas to protect against cyber threats
To protect against cyber threats, new technologies such as powerful computers and digital currencies require innovative security measures . Through the newly launched funding program "StartUpSecure" of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the first promising projects now get start-up assistance in the implementation of their founding ideas. The CRISP incubator StartUpSecure accompanied them on their way there.
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The annual DEF CON is one of the largest events for hackers worldwide. This year, CRISP researchers Stephan Huber and Philipp Roskosch at the Fraunhofer SIT will give a talk with the topic: "I'm on your phone, listening - Attacking VoIP Configuration Interfaces".
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Hessens Wissenschaftsministerin überzeugt sich von Cybersicherheit made in Darmstadt
Hessens Wissenschaftsministerin Angela Dorn hat sich am Dienstag ein Bild von der Darmstädter Cybersicherheitsforschung am Fraunhofer-Institut für Sichere Informationstechnologie SIT gemacht. Ministerin Dorn überzeugte sich von den Fortschritten in der IT-Sicherheit und betonte die große Bedeutung der Forschung in diesem Bereich für die Digitalisierung in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft.
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Innovations for more Cyber Security
The second round of the Hessian-Israeli Partnership Accelerator (HIPA) was concluded with a final event on the panorama floor of the Commerzbank headquarters in Frankfurt/Main. Three German-Israeli teams presented their research results to around 80 guests from international politics and the financial and cyber security sectors, including Sandra Simovich, Consul General of the State of Israel, Dr. Stefan Heck, State Secretary in the Hessian Ministry of the Interior, and Jörg Hessenmüller, COO and member of the Board of Managing Directors of Commerzbank AG.
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