Darmstadt signature procedure is in the competition for standardization
Whether WhatsApp, online shopping or software updates: we use cryptographic procedures consciously or unconsciously to protect our data from unpleasant listeners many times a day . The security of the standard RSA process, which currently secures most of the communication on the Internet, is based on the fact that our present computers do not have enough computing power to break these procedures. A quantum computer would be able to do so, that means the communication would no longer be trustworthy. For example, one could then no longer be sure that the online transfer also arrives at the right recipient. To prevent this, researchers have been developing so-called "post-quantum methods" for years, i.e. methods and algorithms that will still be safe in the age of quantum computers.
read more14th International Conference Business Informatics
At the International Conference Business Information Systems 2019 (Wi) there are many exciting scientific tracks on topical topics. Prof. Christian Reuter, CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt, leads together with Prof. Stefan Stieglitz, University of Duisburg-Essen and Dr. Marén Schorch, University of Siegen, the track "Crisis and Continuity Management".
read moreWi 2019
Researchers of the TU Darmstadt were able to place a total of five at the 14th International Conference of Information Systems, short Wi, 2019. The conference, which takes place every two years, is one of the leading conferences in the field of business informatics in the German-speaking world. In 2019, the motto is "Human Practice - Digital Ecologies - Our Future".
read moreCyber protection for charging stations
How can electric charging stations be better protected against hacker attacks? The Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology, SIT showed how operators can protect their charging stations against manipulation and data theft at the networking conference Electromobility in Berlin.
read moreEU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium
The research group Science and Technology for Peace and Security (PEASEC), led by CRISP researcher Prof. Christian Reuter, deals with the importance of IT for security, peace and security. On the one hand, researchers are investigating the resilience of IT infrastructures (eg as targets in conflict situations) and, on the other, the role of IT applications (eg interactive and collaborative technologies and social media), to prevent and manageconflicts, crises and disasters. With this expertise, PEASEC was admitted to the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium on November 14, 2018.
read moreGDNÄ elects representative for Board of Management
Every two years, members of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher und Ärzte e. V. (GDNÄ) elect one expert each in the disciplines of chemistry, physics, biology, medicine, mathematics and engineering. The representatives to be elected are proposed by the Board of Management and elected to the Board of Directors for a term of four years in a written procedure. CRISP spokesman Prof. Johannes Buchmann, CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt, was elected as a representative for the subject group computer science / mathematics for the term 2019-2022.
read moreiBlockchain Kick-off Meeting
CRISP researchers from the TU Darmstadt and other partners from industry and research form a consortium to develop decentralized technologies for the next generation of intelligent industrial production. The research project called iBlockchain is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
read moreAward ceremony of the CAST IT-Security Promotional-Prize 2018
Yesterday, the CAST IT-Security Promotional-Prize was awarded for the 18th time. Reviewers of CAST e.V. had previously reviewed all submissions and rated their quality. On this basis, nine authors were nominated for the finalist workshop. Among the bachelor theses Daniel Günther of the TU Darmstadt won. His work originated in the ENCRYPTO working group led by CRISP scientist Prof. Thomas Schneider.
read moreNew colorful barcode
Researchers of Fraunhofer SIT have developed a barcode that consists of arbitrary colors and can assume any shape. The colored JAB code has a much higher data density compared to classical black and white bar and matrix codes. Therefore it can deposit much more information on the same surface, which leads to more security against counterfeiting.
read moreOn the track of insurance fraudsters
In a project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, researchers at Fraunhofer SIT have developed three technologies that enable insurance companies to automatically detect dubious insurance claims. The new methods allow images, texts and financial data to be examined. The first insurance companies in Germany are already testing the technologies.
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