
CAST-Advancement Award IT-Security 2018
For many years, CAST e.V. has been supporting the IT security newcomers in Germany with the invitation to tender for the CAST Förderpreis. Amongst this year's finalists are four works by Darmstadt students. The work was supervised by the TU Darmstadt, one in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD.
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Keeping health data under lock and key
CRISP researchers from the TU Darmstadt, who work together in the CROSSING Collaborative Research Center of the Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), have developed a solution that will ensure decades of safe storage for sensitive health data in a joint project with Japanese and Canadian partners. An initial prototype was presented during a recent conference in Beijing, China. The system will go into trial operation in Japan in the coming weeks.
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Finanzielle Förderung von StartUps im Bereich IT-Sicherheit
Since the beginning of the year, all founders and future founders get advice from our experts to develop their first ideas into market-ready products and services for more cyber security. To this end, the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) provides funding for various phases of the foundation, which can be applied for using StartUpSecure.
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When the IPhone turns black
Collaborators of the Secure Mobile Networking Lab at TU Darmstadt, led by CRISP scientist Prof. Matthias Hollick, have found a vulnerability in Apple's iOS that affects more than half a billion devices. They strongly recommend that users install the newly released Update 12.1. The vulnerability allows attackers to crash iPhones and iPads with common hardware and without physical access.
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When the IPhone turns black
Collaborators of the Secure Mobile Networking Lab at TU Darmstadt, led by CRISP scientist Prof. Matthias Hollick, have found a vulnerability in Apple's iOS that affects more than half a billion devices. They strongly recommend that users install the newly released Update 12.1. The vulnerability allows attackers to crash iPhones and iPads with common hardware and without physical access.
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Make software more secure
CRISP scientists are involved in the realisation of a cryptography assistant for software development within the framework of the Collaborative Research Center CROSSING at TU Darmstadt. It helps integrate cryptographic components and verifies that everything has been properly installed and configured so that the application is really secure.
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Fraunhofer IGD presents itself at the IEEE Visualization
IEEE Visualization (VIS) is the world's largest and most significant conference on visualization in all variations possible, be it pure information visualization or visual analysis. As a Gold Member, Fraunhofer IGD also presented current projects this year. The security experts at Fraunhofer IGD used Visual Security Analytics to demonstrate their contribution to a secure network: with real-time visualization and analysis of global IP addresses, hacker attacks can be detected at an early stage.
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ACM SIGSAC Outstanding Contributions Award 2018 goes to Prof. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi
This year Prof. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt, head of the System Security Lab research group and the Intel research institute ICRI-CARS, will receive the ACM SIGSAC Outstanding Contributions Award. The award will be given for a significant research and development contribution, student education, or the professional conduct of expert conferences or conferences in the field of computer and communications security.
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Protect Business Secrets effectively
Organized by the House of IT in partnership with Heuking Kühn Lüer Wojtek and ARTEC, the event "Geschäftsgeheimnisse wirksam schützen" addresses the legal, technical and organizational requirements of the "Gesetzes zum Schutz von Geschäftsgeheimnissen", which will take effect at the end of 2018. Dr. Johannes Braun, CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt, gives a lecture on "Langfristiger Schutz von Integrität und Vertraulichkeit" (Long-term protection of integrity and confidentiality).
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Evangelical Student Community Darmstadt deals with the Influence of Digitization on our Democracy
CRISP spokesman Prof. Johannes Buchmann, CYSEC [at] TU Darmstadt, deals with questions such as: Are elections and opinions still free or are we being manipulated by social bots, fake news and other digital techniques? Will political decisions be made in the future by inscrutable algorithms instead of democratic majorities? Are such decisions perhaps even better for our prosperity?
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